Page 16 of Sanctuary

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“I’ve known since prom night, although at first, I thought maybe I was muddling my awareness of myself with my love for you, but when I realized I was literally unable to feel what I felt for you for anyone else, I was sure. When I say immortals mate for life, I mean two immortals. The same does not apply for immortals who mate with mortals.”

“But you said immortals have chosen death when they lost mortal lovers.”

“Those immortals never had the blessing of finding their immortal soulmates, or there was none assigned to them. That’s usually because they’re not of pure blood.”

“Like me.”

“Yes. The ancestors say my blood called to yours, that the purity of my blood is just that potent, that powerful. What the others felt with mortals was a type of love, but not…this.”

“Hmmm. I’ve always been really sensitive to my surroundings, and my hearing is ridiculously good. Eyesight, too. I never get sick,” she mused, I suppose trying to make sense of what she now knew to be her truth. “Never. Rarely been physically hurt. I’ve only been in the hospital once and that was…”

“A week or so before I contacted you. I know.”

Her wide eyes settled on me as her mouth gaped open. “You know?”

“Yes, love. I told you, I never forgot you. I went to Brownhaven ten years ago to find that you were married.”

“To my first husband…”

“Yes, so I tucked my tail and left. After that, I kept track of you through social media, knew when that marriage had ended, and returned to Brownhaven shortly thereafter to find that you were already engaged again.”

“Mistake number two.”

“I found out about that marriage being over and you being in the hospital at the same time. You had…hurt yourself, and I decided right then that I didn’t care if you were married, entangled, whatever, I wasn’t waiting for us to be together anymore.”

A single tear slipped from her left eye as she leaned in to kiss me. “You kept coming back for me?”

“Of course, I did.”

As I wiped the tears from her cheeks, she said, “I was so depressed and defeated and alone, because I had failed again. Another marriage was over, and I just wanted love. I needed love. And it seemed like I was destined to never feel it again, so I took a handful of sleeping pills, but my ex found me and called an ambulance.”

I nodded. “I almost lost you, and that almost broke me. I don’t think I would’ve chosen to remain on Earth if being with you was no longer a possibility, no matter how slight.”

“You really love me that much?” she asked with glossy eyes.

“Temple, my love for you is infinite, boundless, timeless. It is as much a part of me as my blood. That’s why I kept checking on you from afar, why my heart broke when you got married again. I was always so afraid that by the time I was ready for you, you’d reject me or would have left this planet.”

“Sam, if you already knew I was married again, why’d you seem so surprised at the restaurant?”

“I’d seen where you were separated, so when you didn’t lead with that fact, I was afraid you’d reconciled.”

“Oh. Um, Sam … can I try something?”

“Yeah, I’m down for anything you wanna do.”

Still wearing that smile, she stared at me, and then a whisper invaded my mind with, “I guess it’s a good thing I’m immortal since I let you raw dog me into oblivion.”

I laughed.

“You heard me?” she squeaked aloud.

I nodded.

Her voice entered my mind again. “How about this? Can I suck your dick?”

I saw the anticipation in her eyes as I silently replied, “Hell, yes.”


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