Page 15 of Sanctuary

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The sound of his palm smacking my ass filled the air along with his grunts and his repeated declarations of love as yet another orgasm seized me, forcing tears from my eyes. Then the sun was gone, and I felt fat raindrops as they began to bombard us. Thunder boomed loudly, and I could feel electric static in the air as the ground beneath me grew soggier and soggier.

And Sam kept fucking me.

“What…is…this?” I wailed. It felt so good, frighteningly good. Was this what it was supposed to feel like to fuck a god?

Leaning over my back, he spoke directly into my ear. “This is us. This is the magic we make. This is our love.”

His dick massaged my walls through the thunderstorm, through the rolling away of the clouds, through the appearance of a rainbow, and when he finally exploded, I swear the earth beneath us trembled.



We were in my chambers, lying in my bed. I was in her arms, my sanctuary, with my face buried between her breasts. I wanted her again, but I was trying not to overdo it. Our lovemaking had already incited a thunderstorm and a small earthquake all in one day.

“How did we get here again? I mean, how do you do this? How do you move us across the world in an instant?” she asked.

Lifting my head, I peered up at her to find her eyes on me. “My people…we have more than five senses and abilities of nearly infinite proportions. Apportation is one of them. Just like we are not bound by time, we are also not bound by the laws of physics.”

“So, you invading my mind is another of those abilities?”

I nodded. “Sorry about that. It’s easier for me to communicate like that when I’m frustrated.”

“I kind of like the way it feels when you do it, to be honest. It’s kind of like you’re kissing my mind or something. It’s strange but soothing.”

“I’m glad to hear that, but back to the apportation…I didn’t bring us here this time, Temple. You did.”

She bolted upright in the bed, leaving me on the sheet that still held her warmth. “What did you say? I did what? How? Is this stuff transferable like a damn STD or something? I can’t have those abilities or powers or whatever, Sam. I’m not immortal.”

“Your emotions caused it. It was unconscious on your part, but it was all you, love. And no, the abilities can’t be transferred. Only an immortal can do what you did.” I kissed her right ear and rubbed my finger over the dark spot behind it, a shapeless mark that I knew for a fact had always been there. There wasn’t an inch of her body I hadn’t committed to memory twenty years earlier. “This little birthmark? It’s identical to mine,” I said.

She snatched her head around, confusion in her eyes as she reached up and rubbed her mark. I turned my head, folding my ear over to show her mine.

She gasped. “I’m…”

“Yes, you are, love.”


She fainted again.

I understood why, and had I not known she was just as immortal as me, I might’ve panicked; but instead, I opened the windows in my chambers and stood staring out at the garden.

Temple was a rarity, an immortal who was not of pure African blood. I’d known it the moment we made lovefor the first time. I’d seen the tiny mark before, but I’d thought it was a coincidence, a thing that was common in black folks like keloid scars or something, believing there was no way my parents’ tales could be true. But once I was inside her, I not only knew who I was, I also knew who she was, and that? That scared the shit out of me, and it made it easy for me to follow Porter to Bilowga and to agree to the training the ancestors prescribed for me. That fear even made me agree with their assessment that Temple would be a distraction, but it didn’t keep me from seeking her; and now, it wouldn’t keep me from loving her, live and in color.


Her soft voice startled me a bit, but when I turned to see her sitting up in bed, her hair a puffy mess from our rainstorm sex, I smiled, my heart expanding at the sight of her. I was in the bed again in seconds, sitting beside her, breathing her in. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I…did I pass out again?”

I nodded.

“How…if I’m an immortal?”

“The same way I was able to draw blood from my hand. We can be hurt, but we heal, remarkably so.”

“Have…have you always known I was one?”

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