Page 43 of Believe in Me

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“Shit, you see a problem with that? ‘Cause I don’t.”

“I don’t know you. We don’t talk.”

“So you thought the way to fix that was by pushing me away? Hell, I’m beginning to think that’s all you’re ever gonna do. Pull me in and then push me away. That shit doesn’t feel good, Renee.”

Now I felt like crying, because essentially, I’d been a cry baby all my life and an empath, and he sounded so sad. I could feel his sadness, plus, he called me Renee instead of Doc. “I’m-I’m sorry.”

“Remember, I asked you if you were sure I was what you wanted.”

“You are, but it feels like we’re moving really fast.”

“Maybe we are, but we aren’t kids, Doc. We’re adults who’ve already lived through a lot of shit and have earned the right to live how we want and be with who we want to be with when we want to be with them. We don’t have anyone to answer to, and I don’t see any point in dragging my feet with this thing after all the time it took for us to get here in the first place. Do you?”

“No…It’s just—you want me to meet your mother.”

He took the seat I’d offered him and leaned forward. “You’re worried about that? Don’t be. You’ve already met her, the same day you met me. And you impressed the hell out of her. She’s been talking about you nonstop ever since and was excited when I told her we were seeing each other.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Really?”

“Yeah, so she asked me to plan a dinner for all of us.”


“Doc, I like you. I like being with you. I like having sex with you, A LOT. And I know we don’t know each other well, but we can’t fix that by being apart.”

“I know. I guess I just panicked. I’m sorry, Zo. And I’ve missed you.”

He gave me a lopsided grin as he reached up and rubbed his goatee. “You missed me? You planning on doing something about that?”

“I don’t know. It depends. What do you want me to do about it?”

His grin widened as he reclined against the back of the chair situated across from my desk. “You letting me call the shots for once?”

With a wrinkled brow, I said, “You’ve been calling the shots all along. Don’t you know that? I put that distance between us, because otherwise, I can’t resist you.”

“You think I can resist you?”

“I hope not.”

He chuckled. “Then we’re in the same predicament, Doc.”

“I guess so.”

My office fell silent for a few moments as we just stared at each other. Things were moving fast, but there was an energy between us, a pull that I knew wouldn’t allow us to slow down.

“Zo, you didn’t really answer my question. What do you want me to do about the fact that I’ve missed you?”

His gaze intensified. “Nothing you’d be willing to do in this office.”

“Try me and see.”

He cocked his head to the side. “Come here.”

I did, standing between him and my desk.

“You should lock the door.”

I shook my head. “Like you once told me about Rell, no one is going to bother us. Everyone knows not to barge in here on me, and if they do…” I shrugged. “I don’t really care. I’m co-owner of this place and their boss.”

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