Page 41 of Believe in Me

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“Wish you could have some more of it?”

“Yeah. I love Renee’s pussy. I told her that.”

I raised an eyebrow at Rell, who punched him in the gut this time.

“Don’t you even think about her pussy again, do you hear me?! Erase that sweet, tight, good-smelling motherfucker from your damn memory!”

“What do you want from meeeee?” he wailed.

“Glad you asked. I want you to leave her the hell alone. Stop fucking with her. Sign the damn divorce papers. Give her whatever she wants. I don’t give a fuck if she wants custody of your damn nuts. You better cut them bitches off and hand them to her with a smile on your face. Got it?”

“Yeah, yeah. I got it.”

“And you better get on this shit as soon as your lawyer gets to his office in the morning. You have one week. One…fucking…week to get this done, and I mean I want it finished. Finalized. I have a judge who’s willing to sign off on it ASAP.”

He nodded. “Okay. Whatever you want.”

“And understand this, you tell no one about me being here today. If you call the police, I’ll know it. If you talk about this shit in your sleep, I’ll know it. If you even think about what happened here tonight, I will know it. And your ass will not like the consequences of me knowing it. I will wake you up out of your sleep dead in the middle of the night and fuck you up! I don’t give a damn if you move to Iceland, I will find you.”

“Okay, okay!”

“Robert, I want you to be clear about something. The only reason your ass is not dead right now is because I want Renee, and I want her bad. I don’t have time for her to mourn you. So you get to live. Consider it a gift.”

His eyes were wide as he stared at me.

“You don’t think you should thank me for my generosity, motherfucker?”

“Yeah…th-th-thank you.”

“You’re welcome. And one last thing, don’t you open your mouth to say another thing to Renee for the rest of your life. I mean, if I find out you even said hi to her, I’m coming back. I’m going to disable that weak-ass alarm again and be sitting here waiting on your ass, and next time, things won’t be so pleasant for you.”


“I prefer ‘yes, sir.’”

“Y-yes, sir.”

“Good! See, that wasn’t so bad, little man, was it?”

He hesitantly shook his head.

“One week. One damn week. One.”

“Yes, sir. One week,” he repeated.

I sat there and stared at him for a few minutes, just to make him uncomfortable, and then I nodded at Rell who knocked him out again, cut the zip ties from his wrists and ankles, and drove me home.

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