Page 8 of Captive Consort

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My cheeks flame with embarrassment. It’s hard enough to deny how attractive I find him. And now he knows I have erotic dreams about him. I wish the earth would just split open and swallow me whole.

“Dreams don’t mean anything,” I retort angrily.

Kyson sighs before shoving his hands into his pockets. “We both know your dreams always mean something, Scarlet.”

“You don’t know a damn thing about me, Kyson. And don’t you dare pretend otherwise.”

“I know you’re a loner. I know your family is a bunch of useless assholes that would sell you to me to supply their drug habit. I know you are strong and fierce, that you always look out for everyone and protect those that can’t protect themselves. You love to read, prefer horror over romance, and you hate spinach.” He smirks.

I don’t reply as I watch him stalk closer to me. He doesn’t move like any man I have ever seen. His steps are confident but there is a predatory confidence to everything he does.

“I know you hate being locked in this room,” he continues. “But the moment I open that door you’re going to run. I know you dream of me and have since before we ever met.”

“Kyson,” I whisper as he leans over me, forcing me against the headboard.

“Don’t worry, Scarlet.” His hand cups my cheek. “I won’t let any harm come to you.”

“What do you want from me?” I ask softly. “I don’t understand why I am here.”

“You’re here because you belong to me, just as I belong to you.” His words crash through my mind and only serve to confuse me even more. “As for what I want? I want you. To hear you moan my name while I touch you, to hold you while you sleep, to share a meal with you.”

“You can’t be serious?” I try to glare but I know there isn’t any heat behind it. With him this close, touching me, putting off that ridiculously wonderful smell. My hormones are doing all the thinking and my previous anger has left me.

“I am.” He smiles. “I can smell your sex, see your nipples through the fabric of your gown. I know you want me. But I want more than just sex, Red. If that’s all I wanted from you I could have simply taken it.”

I balk at his words. Is he serious? I’ve never been afraid that Kyson would hurt me. I don’t know why but I have always felt safe around him even though I know that seems crazy. Maybe I’m wrong about him? Should I be scared?

“I won’t take anything from you that you don’t freely offer,” he replies to my unanswered question.

“And if I never offer?” I ask, trying to see how far I can push him.

“Then I will wait.”

He pushes away from me and heads back toward the door. I watch him stride away and a sense of hopelessness and despair crashes over me. I don’t want him to leave. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks and I feel like I could cry. Instead, I screw my eyes shut tightly to keep my emotions locked inside.

“Look at me,” Kyson demands, his hand tilting up my chin.

How the hell did he get back to me so fast? I didn’t even hear him. It takes a moment for me to be sure he won’t be able to read what I just felt before I look at him.

“I lied. And I never want to lie to you or keep things hidden. There is one thing I will take without your permission.”

His lips cover mine and I am lost to him. He kisses me long and hard, forcing my lips to part for him. Kyson twists his fingers into my hair and tilts my head back, angling me exactly how he wants me. My hands entwine around his neck pulling him closer while my mind is screaming at me to push him away. His hard chest smashes against my breasts, my whole body plastered against his.

This kiss isn’t something simple. This is a claiming. He takes my mouth like he needs it to continue breathing.

After long moments the kiss slows down until he pulls away, his forehead resting against mine. He studies me, scanning my face before taking a deep breath and stepping away.

“Get some rest. Tomorrow I’m taking you outside.”

And with those words, he leaves me alone to replay every word he said while touching my kiss-swollen lips.

Chapter Eight


First Date

Everything is ready, except for the unwelcome sensation of nerves twisting inside me. I’ll never make progress with Scarlet trapped in that room. I understand that. She is too fiercely independent to accept the destiny I know awaits her without having the opportunity to see something of the world now around her. As frustrating as that is, I also respect it.

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