Page 31 of Captive Consort

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I can feel his desire for me as it surges through him and a hot blush fills my face. The moment I reach Kyson he grabs my hand and hauls me against his body. All our covenmates chuckle while Aziel shakes his head, fighting to hide his own smile.

“I see that this will be a speedy ceremony,” Emile says and smiles. “It’s good that you are both attuned to the bond.”

“The sooner we start, the sooner we can finish,” Jacques adds.

Kyson and I nod in unison. Aziel holds out his hand for mine and I comply without question. A sharp blade cuts my palm, dripping blood into a pewter goblet that has been placed on the makeshift dais.

“Do you know the vows?” Emile asks, his gaze locked on mine.

I nod before reciting the words I’ve known by heart since Kyson first whispered them to me so many weeks ago.

“By this blood, I, Scarlet, bind myself to you, Kyson. Ordained by fate, forged by blood. You are mine as I am yours. From this night onward, only true and everlasting death will separate us.”

Taking the goblet with my bleeding hand, I hold it out to Kyson. With a devilish smile, he takes it from me and downs the contents. He holds out his hand and Aziel proceeds to repeat the process.

“Your turn,” Jacques says to Kyson.

He stares at me as he recites the same vows I did, the peace he feels flowing through me and making me smile. It still amazes me that he waited a lifetime to find me, but I am glad he did.

Once his vow has been spoken he hands the goblet to me. This is a first for me and Kyson swore I wouldn’t have to do it again so I swallow it down quickly. The tangy, coppery taste lingers on my tongue but I don’t care. I’m too busy feeling our bond as it fully settles in.

Where I was able to feel certain emotions before, now I can almost pick his thoughts out of his mind. It’s beautiful, and overwhelming, and so much more than I ever hoped I would have in this life.

Kyson grabs my left hand, slipping a wedding band on my finger. It may not be necessary for the ceremony but he still wanted to do it. A remnant from his previous life and mine. He kisses me deeply, drawing a moan from deep within that I can’t hold back no matter how I try.

“Enough,” Aziel says lowly and we separate, slowly.

“Your bonding has been witnessed beneath a blood moon,” Emile says. “What fate has deigned, no mortal, or immortal, can deny.”

A roar goes up throughout the gathered people and I can’t help but smile at them. For years I was alone, even when people were around. Now I have a family.

And all I had to do was give up the sunlight.

The End



From the Mind of a Jagter

Pure, unadulterated rage has been swimming through my veins for weeks. My life’s mission, the thing that wakes me in the morning and keeps me up at night, is the total eradication of one species.


Since before I can remember, I have been raised to lead the Jagters in this sacred mission. What gets my anger boiling, the thing that drives me to the brink of insanity, is the inadequacy of the Jagters beneath me and their inefficiency to wipe a single coven from God’s green earth.

“Have you found the location?” I ask my only son, Oliver.

“Not yet, Father.”

His reply only serves to irritate me even more. Liam, the foolhardy simpleton, went after one of the most powerful covens in existence. He didn’t report back or keep us in the loop. And then he failed. Fucking idiot.

Three weeks ago, I opened my front door, the door to my goddamned house, to find a black box with a scarlet ribbon tied to it waiting on my porch. Inside, a human heart and a note:

“Keep your Jagters away from my coven. Or I’ll send them all back like Liam. A”


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