Page 16 of Captive Consort

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Her scent tells me she does.

I steal one more wet kiss, taking a moment to palm one of her breasts through the dress I look forward to divesting her of, before reaching beneath her skirt and sliding off her panties. Soaked. I shoulder my way between her legs, lift my gaze up her body one more time, and sink my fingers into her ass cheeks before finally diving into her sweet pussy.

Her hips come off the mattress when I swirl my tongue around her clit. She’s panting and moaning with each caress of my tongue along her slick folds.

I hear myself growl at the taste, so much more powerful in reality, and stab my tongue into her entrance. I take everything, drinking it up as she writhes against my face, and finally plunge two fingers inside her while I suck her engorged clit into my mouth. I’m near to bursting in my pants, but the shriek of pleasure she rewards me with is entirely worth the self-control.

I lift my head enough to seek out her delightfully flushed face and lick my lips when she angles her head to meet my stare. Her beautiful red hair is disheveled already and spread around her like a crown of fire. My own breath falters, briefly, in my chest. “If you don’t want me to peel off this dress, tell me now.”

I don’t know how I will stop if she makes that choice, but I would never force myself on her. I need to hear her words of consent tonight, or I will wait until she is ready.

Chapter Thirteen


I Want More

The orgasm that Kyson tears from my body is enough to have black spots dancing in my vision. I’ve only been with one other man in my life and it was nothing like this. If this is what he does to me, without even penetrating me, I don’t know if I would be able to handle much more.

My pussy flutters and for a moment I consider simply allowing the gorgeous man between my thighs to have his way with me. But I have never let my hormones make decisions for me and I won’t start today.

Leaning up on my arms I face him fully before speaking. “I haven’t made a decision yet.”

Kyson smiles softly before joining me on the massive bed that dominates his bedroom. “I won’t claim you on a whim, love.”

“I’ve seen the way you look at me,” I say softly, reveling in his touch, his hand resting on my hip. “How do I know you won’t just claim me?”

Kyson grips my hip tightly. “Have I ever lied to you?”

I shake my head. Every word he has spoken to me from the moment we met has been true.

“The fastest way to push you away is to lie to you.” His lips touch mine softly, the lightest kiss. “If you only believe one single thing about me, believe this. I will never lie to you.”

Unshed tears burn my eyes. The vehemence in his voice has my heart beating faster. There is nothing on God’s green earth that I hate more than a liar. Since I can remember, people have lied to me. My parents, teachers, friends. It is so easy to accept the worst in people when that is all you have ever known. His words smash at the walls I have erected around my heart and finally, a tear escapes down my cheek.

“I didn’t mean for my words to hurt you, Red,” Kyson whispers as he wipes away the tear.

“It’s not that.” I smile back. “I have only known you a handful of days and yet, you are quickly becoming someone I trust explicitly.”

His lips crush against mine in a passionate kiss before he breaks away. “That’s a good thing in my opinion.” His smile is brilliant and steals my breath away. “I want you to trust me above all others.”

“But will you wait until I am ready to accept you fully?” I can hear the uncertainty in my own voice.

“Scarlet.” My name leaves his lips in a reverent whisper, almost like a prayer. “Just having you here, with me, is enough. I have waited my entire existence simply to see you with my own eyes. Being allowed to touch you, kiss you, taste you, has been the greatest privilege of my life.”

His words render me speechless. I haven’t ever heard someone speak this way. Doubt sweeps in but before I can say a word he continues.

“Don’t get me wrong, I would love nothing more than to feel your warm heat wrapped around my cock, to hear you moan my name in pleasure before marking you and claiming you as mine for eternity. But I don’t need it. I will have you in any way I can rather than take a chance of losing you by pushing for more than you are comfortable with.”

His words reignite my lust. Throwing caution to the wind, I push him flat onto his back and straddle his lap.

“And if I say yes … if I allow you to take me, to claim me, what then?”

His hips flex upward, his impressive hard length pushing against my sex and drawing a gasp from me.

“Then, you will be mine and I will be yours. You will never want for anything ever again in this life. I will always be there for and with you. I will protect you and love you. I will die before I let anything happen to you.”

Leaning down I whisper in his ear, “I’m tired of being alone, of being scared. I want more. I want everything you are promising.”

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