Page 13 of Captive Consort

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I run my tongue along my fangs and pull myself under control. “My apologies. You have my word, while I exist, I will defend you.” I hold her cautious, skeptical stare. “You are my mate,” I remind her. “You are my priority, Red.”

Salt momentarily taints the air, but she pushes her emotional response aside. “I don’t have any idea what that means, Kyson. I’ve only heard that term in books. Do you really expect me to just roll over because you say sweet things or occasionally let me breathe fresh air? I’m human. I need more than that. I need friends, and sunshine, and—”

I nearly miss the subtle, unnatural change in the sound of the forest behind me over Scarlet’s building rant. By the time I move, I can see two racing figures in my peripheral vision. Both moving too fast to be human, even Jagters. Both aimed at us—at my Scarlet.

I scoop her into my arms without hesitation, moving us out of reach of the unfamiliar, lunging vampire, and bare my fangs in the only warning I’m willing to offer. Scarlet is secure in my arms, and she lets out a scream of terror when she realizes what’s happening.

The closer, shorter of the two males snarls at me. “You can share the woman! We’re starving!”

His companion straightens and catches his arm. “No, wait. I’m sorry—we’re sorry—please, we’re stranded. The Jagters killed everyone. We’ve barely fed and have nowhere to go.”

Scarlet latches her arms around my throat, bringing herself closer to me. She’s stopped screaming, but she’s shaking, and her fear keeps me agitated.

So it’s probably for the best that her screams have drawn attention.

Suddenly we’re flanked, and Aziel steps forward. “You break onto my territory, threaten one of our consorts, and have the audacity to plead for help?”

Scarlet presses her forehead into the groove of my throat and I feel a tear slide down my skin.

I tighten my grip of her as much as I dare. “I’m taking her inside.” They can handle this mess.

Her heart immediately beats harder and she tenses. She’s afraid but doesn’t want to return to the suite. Maybe this time I’ll show her another room.

Chapter Eleven


What. The. Fuck.

My heart is beating a mile a minute. Fear from almost being attacked by the intruders, and from lust coursing through me at being cradled so closely to Kyson.

I want to ask him not to take me back to my room. I want to beg him not to lock me away again but words are failing me. I know he wants to make sure I am safe and I can honestly say I have never felt safer than I do in his arms right now.

I can feel the anger radiating from him and I run my hands through his hair on instinct, trying to soothe him. The smooth, dark strands flow through my fingers having fallen free from the elastic band that previously held them up. Kyson tenses for a moment before relaxing, his grip on me loosening slightly.

“Will I be able to go outside again?” I ask, not wanting to push my luck.

“As soon as we are sure there isn’t a threat.” His voice is tight as he speaks. “I want to give you all the freedom your heart desires, Red, but I won’t do it at the expense of your safety.”

I nod, understanding, or at least trying to understand what is driving him. “Thank you.”

Closing my eyes, I rest against his shoulder. The night has clearly come to an end with all the disruptions and I don’t know how long I will have with him before he locks me away and leaves me alone once more. I’m not sure if I have started gravitating toward him because I don’t get to see other people or because of my dreams. Since I’ve been here they have only escalated in frequency and eroticism.

I hear a door being pushed open and then closed behind us. I don’t open my eyes because I’m not ready to be alone once more. Kyson shifts my weight before taking a seat. Silence envelops us. It’s not strained and I don’t feel the need to fill it with idle chatter. It’s unusual but I feel comfortable in his presence, I always have.

“Are there still questions you want to ask me? I’m not used to you being this quiet.” He lightly pushes the hair off my face.

“How do you know I’m not asleep?”

Kyson chuckles and the sound vibrates through every fiber of my being. “Your breathing hasn’t changed.”

“That’s a little creepy,” I say, finally looking up at him.

A little smirk curls the right side of his lip. “If you think that’s creepy, you don’t want to know what else I know about you.”

Shifting my weight, I hook my arms around his neck. “Is that so?”

He kisses my cheek before lifting me off his lap and depositing me on the couch beside him. “Sorry, I can’t think straight with you sitting on my lap.” He looks sheepish like he is embarrassed to admit the way he feels out loud. “You’re very … distracting.”

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