Page 96 of Alien From Exile

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While she’s distracted, I round on Darra.

“Does she know?”

He wrinkles his nose and looks up at the clouds. “I forget… Did my vow to serve you include a promise to tell you all my personal business?”

I glare at him. “Then what about the threat of the kali—”

“She’s in no trouble at all, I assure you.”

“Ready!” The human has thrown the backpack over her shoulder and caught up with us.

While I mentally debate whether I care to involve myself in whatever manipulations Darra is up to, I lead them down the main avenue of Ta’Nak Annir. It might not be a bustling city yet, but there’s activity taking place. Groups of Kar’Kali are exploring the buildings, some of them carrying tablets to record their findings for various purposes. The number of rooms, the level of repairs required, and other functional needs will all determine where the patiently waiting families will be offered homes.

We pass the makeshift market that has appeared in the town square, and Ilay sniffs the air with interest as the scent of freshly grilled meat wafts in our direction.

“Hungry?” I ask. “We can ask someone to bring a meal up to us…”

Her eyes bulge. “Yes, please.”

“I swear I do feed her,” Darra says.

We have quite a climb to find Francesca. She’s been busying herself with the top floor of the palace, which she’d like to convert into an apartment for us. When I told her we could simply occupy the existing royal quarters on the main floor of the building, she exclaimed that it was way too big and “completely unnecessary.” So, she’s taken it upon herself to remodel what was once a servant area, while the old royal residence will become office space for myself and the council. Part of what attracted her to the idea was having access to the rooftop oasis where we spent our first night here.

As we walk through the top floor and don’t find her, I know she must be up there, staring out at the sea. I lead our guests up the carved stone stairs, calling out to her so that we don’t catch her unawares.

“Francesca! You up there?”

Sure enough, she is laying with her back flat on the thick balcony edge, face towards the beating sun. When she sees me coming up to her hideaway, she looks properly guilty.

“I told you not to do that!” I cry.

She sits up and swings her legs over.

“It was only a moment,” she says. “Oh, who’s this—”

I’ll be forced to install nets below the rooftop for my wife’s insane predilection for giving me anxiety.

As soon as Darra and the human follow behind me, Frankie’s eyes zing toward Ilay with immediate recognition.

“I hear you’re who I have to thank for the captain coming to offer me a ride,” Ilay says with a crooked smile.

“I can’t believe it,” Frankie breathes. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Can I hug you?” Ilay asks sweetly.

My mate nods, surprising me by throwing her arms out for this female she hardly knows, even though touching anyone other than me has still been difficult for her. The two embrace for a moment, and when they let go, Ilay takes her hand and shakes it with a laugh.

“Also, nice to meet you. I’m in your debt now, forever.”

Darra and I stand to the opposite side of the rooftop while the two females share a quiet conversation. We silently agree that they need a moment to themselves, so we slip out of the way. The winds are high enough that I know our voices won’t carry.

“What about the second part of your mission?” I say in a low tone.

“Right!” Darra taps a finger to his temple. “Almost forgot. He’s in my custody as well.”

“In your custody?” My eyes go instinctively toward the skies, where the captain has left his ship. Does he mean to tell me that the male responsible for my mate’s suffering is up there, somewhere within reach?

“Yes. He’s a repulsive sort, isn’t he?”

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