Page 71 of Alien From Exile

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Viro thought it was funny.

I thought it was… erotic.

I’d been pacing in front of my desk, wondering how in the name of the rutting spirit I should discuss this with her, but I pause mid-step to watch her march toward me.

With both hands, she grabs fistfuls of my shirt and drags me down. I’m in such shock that I don’t resist. Our lips come together, her pressing desperately against my mouth. When she lets go, I gasp for air with a dizzied head. Then she’s pushing me, directing my body to sit on top of my desk.

“Frankie?” I question, watching her shove her hand into the pocket of her robe.

She pulls out my little silver tin, my prized possession. She took it from the drawer beside my bed?

“Why do you have that with you?” I ask.

“Open your mouth. Tongue out,” she commands me. I comply, still bewildered but ultimately happy to do as she wishes.

When I show her my waiting tongue, she takes one of the pills and drops it on the center. She leans close enough that I feel her breath on my cheek, and then watches curiously as the pill sizzles on contact. I let it work its magic on me, my skin buzzing with excitement at what’s to come.

In her fit of anger-induced bravery, she goes so far as to grasp me by the jaw and shut my mouth for me. We share a loaded stare, my eyes begging her not to stop touching me.

“What is it, wife?” I ask softly when the pill has dissolved. “Do you mean to take the taste of her off my tongue?”

She nods, her little fingers still gripping my face as she leans into me. I wait patiently, fearing that any slight movement will scare her away. I can’t let her slip away, not when I hunger for this so badly.

“Am I yours?”

“Mine,” she murmurs, her eyes on my lips. “Only mine, Mak.”

“Then take what’s yours,” I whisper.

Our lips come together, sending shivers throughout my body as if it’s the first time again. Though my seated position on the desk makes my mouth easier for her to reach, she’s forced to nearly climb on top of me. The result is that her whole body presses against me, caressing me with the shape of her through her thin, silky coverings. I bask in it, from the way her heat merges with mine to the brush of her small breasts on my chest.

Amma’ka spikes in a heartbeat, and I know my eyes are turning black as I grasp the flaps of her robe to keep from groping her body.

Her tongue slips between my lips as she aggressively takes the lead. It feels so natural, the way she teases at my tongue with her own. This is the female that’s been holding herself back from me, this is one who makes shy faces when we flirt. There’s a Francesca beneath her fears that I desperately need to unveil more of. The female that would watch me spill seed on the ground at her feet in delight… That’s the female kissing me right now.

We kiss breathlessly, our mouths moving in hungry harmony. I nip at her pink lips, hard enough to elicit a muffled moan. I swallow the sound, feeling it in my cock. I harden for her quickly, blood thumping hard through every vein in me.

When we break apart for much needed gasps for air, she says, “You can touch me. Please, I want you to touch me.”

“Are you certain?” I ask, brushing her hair behind her ear as a gentle start. “Are you sure it’s not the adrenaline getting to you?”

“Maybe it is,” she admits, setting her jaw. “Use it. Touch me. Push me as far as I can go. I’m already shaking, and I don’t think I’ll sleep tonight. So let’s use it.”

“Your jealousy is making me hard, but I don’t want Annaka’s actions goading you into hurting yourself just to prove something.”

“I already want you so badly that it’s hurting me,” she says. “So what difference does it make?”

To hear the proof that I’m not suffering this torturous desire alone is enough to make me tremble.

“Tell me,” I say, leaning so close I can almost taste the sweat on her cheek. “How did you feel when you saw us together?”

She leaves me waiting for far too long, but then she licks her lips and says, “I wanted to kill her. If Nisi hadn’t been there with me, it might’ve been me you had to wrestle and sedate.”

I can’t help but grin.

“My bloodthirsty queen,” I say, pleased. “I think you’d be much more pleasant to wrestle with.”

“Then wrestle my tongue some more.” She crashes against me, releasing the fire within her on my mouth.

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