Page 69 of Alien From Exile

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They exchange a glance.

“Mak can handle himself,” Avi says.

“Open the door, or I’ll move you out of the way myself!” I threaten all seven feet of him.

Before I’m forced to assault a full grown and rigorously trained warrior, the doors slide open. Viro steps out, pastry in hand, with a panicked expression on his face. Behind him, there’s a Kar’Kali woman with her tongue down Mak’s throat. She’s groping his crotch as he cringes away, visibly uncomfortable.

“Someone get in there and help him because I need to intercept the queen before she shows up and—”

Viro blinks down at me, finally realizing I’m there.

“Frankie!” he squeaks.

I watch Mak finally extricate himself from the woman, who must be Annaka. She’s statuesque like her mother and has shiny black hair that falls past her hips. Mak catches my eye as he wipes at his mouth with disgust.

My heart pounds. He didn’t want whatever she was peddling.

I turn a wrathful glare on the woman, who’s trying to readjust herself and avoid eye contact with me.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,” she has the gall to say.

“I’m not the one you should apologize to,” I snap at her. “My husband is the one you attacked with your filthy tongue, you heinous bitch.”

Reacting to my furious attitude, Nisina launches away from my side with a vicious snarl. She jets past Viro even as his quick reflexes kick in and he dives for her. With murderous intent, she knocks Annaka flat-backed on the ground. Mak is close enough to stop the kaia before her fangs make a move for the jugular. He’s gone from wrestling that banshee off to wrestling his own pet.

Viro jumps into action, grabbing a shrieking Annaka off the floor and dragging her out of the office. When she’s safely in the hallway, he slaps the door close button. The last I see of my mate is him rolling Nisina onto her back to subdue the riled kaia. Viro slips through the doors before they seal shut again, ever the loyal supporter. I’ve never seen Nisina so feral.

That’s my girl, I think smugly, too heated still to care that the beast almost reaped a death sentence on that woman.

“My lady,” Ruka breathes, glancing at me while she helps Annaka dust herself off. “You have to be careful with your emotions when Nisi’s with you. She’ll act instinctively on anyone you perceive as a threat.”

“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” I demand, secretly hoping she’s incurred permanent back pain from the fall.

She straightens up and runs her fingers reflexively through her hair.

“I may have gotten carried away,” she simpers. Apparently, kaia breath on her neck wasn’t enough of a fright. “But this matter is far from over. Would you like to walk with me, so that we can have a frank discussion?”

We have an audience, so I need to keep my behavior in the realm of queenliness. Deep down, I’d like to start kicking her in the shins repeatedly.

I scoff and laugh right in her face.

“We have nothing to discuss,” I tell her. “You’re lucky Nisi didn’t turn you into mincemeat.”

“If you’re as pragmatic as I’ve been told you are, I think you can put aside your issues with me to hear what I have to say.”

“Sure I am. I’m very pragmatic about things that would disturb others. Things like… hiding a body, destroying the evidence…”

“Very funny. Now let’s speak, female to female.”

I glance at the scandalized faces of the warriors still waiting outside the office.

“I don’t care what they think,” she says. “Listen to me. You’re a reasonable person.”

I jerk my arm out of her grasp.

“Haven’t you learned any lessons today about touching without permission?” I grit out.

“You didn’t want this,” she says. “You only came here because you needed protection. Isn’t that right?”

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