Page 68 of Alien From Exile

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I glance at the warriors still gathered, watching her throw herself on her knees before me.

“Clear the room,” I say with a groan. She’s embarrassing herself, and I can’t believe the pang of guilt I feel in letting her do so before the whole of my staff. “Viro, stay. You can escort her home when this conversation is ended.”

“Fine,” he mutters, wandering over to the break station by the door. Someone has left piles of goodies there, and he turns his attention to them while the others file out of the room.

“Mak, we’ve known each other for so long,” Annaka says, picking herself up and approaching me with pleading eyes. “I know who you are. A male with passions. So how could you neglect them?”

Over her shoulder, I catch Viro’s curious ears growing in size, his fingers hesitating before he swipes a treat from the tray. He’s going to have some quips to share once I’ve dealt with her.

“Annaka.” I heave a sigh. “You come to me with this, having never taken the time to get to know her. If you get over this jealous episode, you might find you like her.”

“I have nothing against her. But she doesn’t love you, not as a mate should. You sleep in separate rooms, isn’t that right?”

She’s getting uncomfortably close, and with my desk behind me, I’ve got no room to back up.

“Don’t make me send you away, because I will. There’s your aunt on Station City to stay with—”

I choke on my words as she pins her body against me. Her hand is suddenly between my legs, cupping my balls.

“She never touches you, does she?”

I flinch at the seduction, not certain how to escape without physically pushing her. It seems she won’t listen.

“Don’t—” I try to argue before she lays her lips on mine.



When I arrive at the captain’s den, there’s a crowd of Mak’s guard standing around in the hallway. They look a bit lost, strangely enough. Usually, the warriors stride to and fro like cogs in Mak’s well-oiled machine. I can’t imagine why they’d be milling around confused on their own ship. Nisina and I stop in front of them.

“Why are you all standing out here?” I ask.

As my eyes bounce from warrior to warrior, it’s clear that something serious is going on behind the closed doors.

“There’s a private meeting going on right now. Trust me when I say you don’t wanna be in there.”

“With whom?”

Exchanged glances ensue.

“Annaka,” one of them blurts out, stepping forward. “The Ka’lakka sent us out to spare her embarrassment and for no other reason.”

“Councilwoman Kannita’s daughter?” I confirm, my fingers balling into fists.

They nod.

“He’s alone in there with her?” I demand. It feels like a column of fire just lit up inside me.

I move for the door controls.

“Wait,” a guard named Avi fumbles as he nearly grabs my arm but thinks better of it. Instead, he simply dives in between me and the keypad. “My lady, be patient. It’ll only be a moment, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Emotionally or physically?” I snap. “What’s happening in there?”

“She’s gone insane,” Ruka pipes up. “She might attack you in her current state.”

I grit my teeth. “So you left her alone with my husband?”

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