Page 36 of Alien From Exile

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“There are some crimes that stain everything they touch.” I thread our fingers together, lost in how natural the sensation feels. “No one comes out clean.”

“You’re right,” he says quietly, staring at our interlocked hands.

We’re both so afraid to speak a word about the simple touch, that after an unknowable amount of time passes, we let go. It’s just like when he came to me at night and calmed me with the pressure of his body hugging me. We both treat the fragile moment like it’s liable to go up in a puff of smoke.

Even if we say nothing, I notice the warmth return to his face.

The fact that I can provide him with comfort makes me smile.

“I’ve thought about,” I announce. “And I want us to go through with your plan to transfer the kali.”

He hesitates with a skewered meatball halfway to his mouth.

“You’ve thought about it? It hasn’t been very long at all.” He places the food back down on his tray. “You’re saying this because I was down, and you’re still trying to cheer me up.”

“No, I’m not!” I say indignantly. “I just think it’s better if we get this over with quickly instead of sitting on our hands.”

“It’s my face you’ll be sitting on,” he says, misunderstanding the idiom. “And I can’t say I’ve ever heard someone tell me to get it over with when it comes to cunnilingus before.”

“There’s a first time for everything.”



“The two of you don’t pay me enough to be so involved in your mating affairs,” Viro complains. He’s binding Mak to the bed. I’d thought a pair of handcuffs would do the trick, but they insisted that it should be more secure. “After all, what does a couples’ therapist working out of Station City make these days? Scores above a measly warrior’s wage.”

“You say that like you make a typical warrior’s wage,” Mak snaps. “I’ve seen your deposits.”

“Right,” Viro muses, yanking the chain on Mak’s wrist unnecessarily tight.

Nisi is running from one side of the bed to the other as if she, too, is checking the security of Mak’s bonds. She thinks this is all a fun game.

“Besides, a therapist might improve relations between Frankie and me. Your current contributions are mostly observing from afar and making snide remarks.”

“Exactly. Here’s one: When Frankie divorces you, I’m leaving with her,” he says, laying a couple mocking pats on Mak’s cheek now that he’s too immobile to escape. “Frankie, will you adopt me?”

“Of course, Vi,” I agree. “We’re taking Nisi too.”

Nisina wags her tail.

“Disloyal beast,” Mak sighs, watching her from the corner of his eye. “But as long as my wife is happy.”

I snicker.

“I’ll go ahead and assume you were speaking to Nisina.” Viro wraps the remaining length of metal cord in a neat coil. “Now I’d better get out of here. Make sure to check my work.”

Mak tests the restraints by pulling to and fro and twisting his body, but the ties hold.

“I’ll leave an ikani here,” he says, placing the blade on Mak’s dresser top. When set to heat, the Kar’Kali-made weapons can cut through most metals. “Nisi and I will be down at the kennels if you need anything.”

“Thanks for this,” I say, as he tosses the metal rope into his bag, slings it over his shoulder, and heads toward the door.

“What am I supposed to say?” He taps on the door command with one last grin for us. “Good luck? Stay safe?”

“Get out already,” Mak calls.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”

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