Page 44 of Choke Hold

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I chuckle. “I’m a friendly guy. Thought you knew that?”

He doesn’t say anything, and doesn’t move to eat his taco.

And as I turn my head to look at him, I let a sly smile take over. “Jealous, Ty?”

His eyes narrow and darken.

“You think I was interested?” I ask playfully, letting everything fade into background noise as his gaze pierces my soul. “You think I was flirting?”

“No.” Ty leans in closer to me. “Because you fucking know better than that.”

I huff out a light laugh, leaning in as well so our noses are almost touching. “I do? And what is it that I know?”

His hand lifts, grabbing my jaw forcefully. “That you’re mine.”

My heart thunders as I take in the dominating look in his eyes. I smile, closing the small distance between us to pull his bottom lip between my teeth, biting hard before I release it. “Fucking right I am.”


“Oh man, an Audi,” Tim groans as he checks his next appointment. “I don’t know what I’m doing to it yet, and I already know it’s going to suck.”

I chuckle as I happily work on the Harley Davidson Night Train before me. I don’t envy him in the slightest. German cars are notoriously hard to work on with their ridiculous design that overcomplicates everything. What could be a four-step process usually ends up being over twenty.

“Motorcycles look fun,” Tim says as he tilts his head and lets his eyes run over the bike. “Maybe I should get my certification.”

Jake snorts a laugh from under the hood of the car in his bay. “You’ll have to learn how to drive one.”

“I could.” Tim nods, shooting him a look.

I smile at him as I remove the rear shock on the bike so I can replace it. “That’s actually the best part of the job.” Which is completely true. Getting to test drive them after servicing is a major perk, since I haven’t had a bike of my own since I was young, stupid and had my priorities in all the wrong places. Selling my bike for a high was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. But maybe it’s time I think about getting another one.

“We’re going to talk more about this.” Tim points at me as he heads out of the garage to grab the Audi.

Jake closes the hood on his car, wiping his hands on a rag. “Man, this week has been brutal so far with these jobs.” He flops down onto the stool at his bench to write out his service order. “Thank god tomorrow is Friday.”

I nod, greasing the bushes and bolts so I can fit the new shock. With the amount of seasonal tire changeovers and repairs coming in, I’m surprised we haven’t been pulling overtime. “Yeah, spring is definitely here.”

He looks up and smiles at me. “Speaking of spring and nice weather, you and Luca will have to come over again soon. We can barbecue the right way this time, and grill and eat outside.”

I smile at Jake as Tim pulls the Audi car into his bay. “Sounds good.”

“And now that Tim finally found someone, he can bring his girlfriend,” Jake says, turning to Tim as he gets out of the car. But he quickly glances at me with wide eyes, then back to Tim. “Uh, I mean… you said Marie, so I’m assuming a girlfriend? I don’t want to make the same mistake I did with Luca, when I assumed…” he trails off, rubbing the back of his neck.

A laugh escapes me at the reminder of Jake meeting Luca for the first time, when he told me to bring my girlfriend over for a barbecue.

I shake my head as I wiggle the new shock into place. “He got over it quick enough. And enjoyed it.”

Tim laughs while Jake winces with embarrassment. “Well, to make up for it, we’ll have another one. But,” Jake eyes me, “I’m guessing you’re not exactly scarfing down ribs and drinking beer this close to a fight?”

I lift my eyes to him with a slight shake of my head. “Pretty strict diet from now until fight time.”

He smiles. “Figured. Well, we’ll celebrate after you guys win then.”

I force a smile back, trying to ignore the anxious feelings swirling around within me. We’re now almost three weeks out, and I’m still not where I want to be. So the thought of celebrating a win is pretty fucking daunting.

But I put my head down and just focus on finishing my job on this bike. Losing myself to my work and seeing it all come together is a good feeling, which helps me forget everything else. And after taking it out for a test ride to ensure it’s handling smoothly, I’m feeling great.

Until I see a text on my phone.

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