Page 13 of Choke Hold

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“It’s not,” I say. “And I’m starting to regret it.”

Luca just shrugs again, and gestures for me to go back into the gym.

When I don’t, he smiles widely. And the annoyance settles once again.

“Come on.” Luca turns to his Jeep. “It’s Friday night. We’re going to have some fun.”

But I don’t follow him, watching as he pulls open the passenger side door of his Jeep.

“So your idea of helping me is to fuck?”

He shakes his head. “We have something else to do first, and it’s very important.” He holds the door open and dramatically gestures for me to get in.

“What?” I ask, wary of his plans.

“It’s a surprise.”

“Of course it is,” I mutter.

“Would you just fucking get in already?” Luca asks, gesturing again to the passenger seat of his Jeep.

I sigh, resigning to my fate and getting in. Whatever this is, I know I’m probably not prepared for it.

Luca drives us to an area near downtown that I’ve never been to before, and pulls up in front of a building. Over the door is a neon sign, reading ‘Level One’.

“What is this?” I ask, peering out at the building as a group of people enter.

“Let’s go.” Luca hops out the Jeep, and I take a deep breath as I follow, trying so fucking hard not to lose it on him.

“Will you just fucking tell me what we’re doing?” I ask as he walks to the door of the building.

He doesn’t answer as he pulls it open, and as we enter, he gestures around with a proud smile.

As I look around the space, I almost laugh. It’s 100% Luca.

In the middle of the large space is a bar, with couches, tables and chairs scattered around. But Luca didn’t bring me to just any bar. Lining every wall of this space are arcade games, both old school and modern.

“I can’t kick your ass for real just yet,” Luca says, drawing my attention to him. “So, this will have to do for now.”

I glance around the space again, observing a group of people laughing on one of the couches. “This is what was so important?”

“Yes.” Luca nods and turns to face me. “It’s important that you have some fucking fun. You’re wound tight on a good day, and right now… oof.” He draws his brows together and shakes his head. “And I don’t want to see where this is going if we don’t release some of that pressure.” He pokes at me, and I shoot him a look as I step away from him.

He chuckles. “So. One night. One night to get your mind off everything, and just have some fun. Then we start fresh. We’ll get up bright and early tomorrow,” he winces, “go to the gym and start with a new plan to work through this.”

I glance around the bar once more, and my eyes land on a couple playing a Pac-Man game in the corner. They’re laughing and enjoying themselves, and they look like they don’t have a care in the world. As I bring my eyes back to Luca, he’s watching me with a hopeful expression.

But before I can say anything he holds up a finger. “Ah,” he points his finger dangerously close to my face, “don’t say fine.”

I bat his hand away, and his smile remains.


“That’s the spirit!” He smacks my back and walks towards the bar.

Give me the fucking strength.

I follow him, and he leans against the bar holding up two fingers to the bartender. “Two IPAs.”

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