Page 64 of What We Hide

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The pain from his grip made her gasp. “Let go of me!” Savannah’s pulse raced, and she shoved against his chest.

He immediately released her and held up his hands as he took a step back. “Sorry, but you made me so mad.” His hand shook as he swiped it through his hair.

“What’s going on here?” Hez’s deep voice came from her left side, and he bounded up the porch steps to reach them.

Hez’s presence calmed her, and she finally found her voice as she realized this encounter with Beckett might have ruined her future. “Your friendship is important to me, Beckett, and I’d like us to get past what just happened. We can talk tomorrow when we’ve both calmed down.”

He gritted his teeth and whipped around to stalk to his car. The engine roared to life, and he peeled rubber pulling away from the house. Savannah exhaled a shaky breath as Hez stepped closer. He enfolded her in his arms without a word, and she sank against his chest. The steady beat of his heart under her ear calmed her enough that her trembling finally stopped. Why had she signed those papers? She should have talked with him and told him how she was feeling, but something stopped her every time she tried.

She lifted her head. “I’m glad you came when you did.”

His eyes narrowed and his jaw flexed. “It looked like he was manhandling you. Are you all right?”

She took a step back and nodded. “I had to clarify our relationship, and he didn’t like it.” She rubbed her upper arms, which throbbed where Beckett’s fingers had pressed. She glanced down at the marks that would soon be bruises.

Hez frowned when he saw her arms. “Beckett did that?”

“Yes.” Beckett’s strength had surprised her. “He got so angry so fast. It was a little scary.”

He looked over her right shoulder, and his mouth dropped open as he stared through the window into the living room. “Who’s the kid?”

She checked to make sure the door was closed firmly. The house was tight, and it was unlikely Simon could overhear, but she took Hez’s hand and led him down the steps to the yard and farther away from little ears.

“You’re scaring me, Savannah. What’s this all about?”

“The boy is Simon Legare—Jess’s son. I had to go see him in England at his boarding school. I wasn’t supposed to bring him home, but he’d been expelled for running away. Jess doesn’t know yet. I’m going to see her tomorrow and tell her. Would you be able to stay with Simon while I tell her what I’ve done? You might want to brace for the explosion.”

“I can stay with him, but I’m confused. Why would she hide him?”

“She doesn’t want his father to know of his existence.”


“Yes. He’s ten and a great kid.” She tugged at Hez’s hand. “Come meet him.”

She led him into the house to the living room where Simon sat punching buttons on the remote. He glanced up with a smile that so reminded her of Ella’s. At the sight of Hez’s widened eyes, she knew he saw the resemblance too.

How did she introduce Hez? He was still her husband, though he’d be her ex the moment the judge signed the divorce decree. She shied away from the thought.

Hez didn’t give her the opportunity to decide. He smiled down at the boy. “I’m your uncle Hez. It’s good to meet you. I guess you and I are going to hang out tomorrow.” He settled on the sofa beside Simon. “You a gamer? I can bring over my Sony PlayStation.”

Simon sat up and didn’t look sleepy any longer. “Brilliant!”

Hez launched into a list of the games he had, and Savannah watched with a bemused smile. Hez always had a natural way with children, and Simon would grow to love him like Ella did.

* * *

Savannah’s gut knotted, and her hands trembled as she slid into the chair on the other side of the window, two spots down from the other occupants. Jet lag burned in her eyes, and it was all she could do to return her sister’s tired smile. Jess might have an alternative to keeping Simon in Tupelo Grove, but if there was a solution, Savannah hadn’t found it.

Jess’s hair was in need of a wash, and the skin under her hazel eyes was so dark, she looked like she sported two black eyes. And no wonder. According to Hez, the evidence against her was overwhelming, and the prospect of spending months in jail had to be devastating.

Jess reached for the phone, and Savannah did the same. Jess’s gaze darted around to make sure no one was paying them any attention. “How’s Simon?”

Savannah leaned closer to the glass. “I didn’t know what to do, Jess. When I got there, the headmaster told me he’d been expelled for running away three times.”

Jess gasped. “What? Is he all right? Where did he go? Someone could have snatched him.”

“He’s fine. They found him right away, but the headmaster didn’t mention how far he’d gotten. He’s very unhappy at the school and wants to be with you.”

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