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“I would’ve never gone along with it if I’d known that’s where tonight would end up.”

The words were like tar in his throat, throttling him while he was gasping for air, and he swallowed against the noxious urge to vomit. No amount of information was worth compromising her.

Her hands came up to fold behind his back, the touch tentative and bold at the same time. “I know, Remmus.”

“I can’t get that image out of my head,” he admitted, and to his shame, he buried his head in her neck to replace Orren’s scent with his own.

“It’s over. I wasn’t exactly pleasant for me either, but I didn’t realize it would affect you so much.”

He pulled away from her, grimacing. “I’m sorry for putting you in that situation to start with. Being disturbed is the least of what I deserve.”

Chapter Fourteen

Horror dropped Ava’s stomach to her feet. “Why would you say such a thing?”

When Remmus’ eyes widened almost imperceptibly, she realized that whatever he said next would be a lie to conceal whatever had triggered the comment.

“Gotta keep you on your toes. Make sure you’re listening.”

Ava had known him for less than a week and she could already read his tells. “You’re lying, Remmus.”

She watched as the smirk faded, replaced by something darker, broodier. She was no longer looking at the Remmus she was falling fast for, but at the true character who lived beneath the façade. Ava thoughts turned to him speaking about camouflaging wounds with ink as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

The pit of her stomach sank, and her eyes instantly scoured his body. Everywhere she looked, only smooth, perfect skin greeted her gaze. Even a Raeth didn’t heal quickly enough to hide every single sign—if there was one.

Remmus was the personification of joy. Usually.

Hardened, he spoke words that seared into her soul: “I’m no saint, Ava.”

“You’re not a sinner, either.”

“No?” There was challenge in his words. “I see we’re playing a new game now: one where you lie to me even though we both know it isn’t true.”

His lips connected with her neck once more, but this time, they were possessive. They branded into her skin like the most sensual flame, licking over her nerves and coiling around her fingers.

His teeth scraped along her jaw, and she only moaned in response. “Remmus.”

The moment his mouth connected with hers, Ava was lost. Demanding and punishing, every flick of his tongue was a mark of ownership. His hand came around the back of her neck, holding her in a way that claimed her far deeper than she’d ever experienced before.

Each touch of his roaming hand was a desperate bid for her affection, one she eagerly dissolved in as he worshipped her mouth.

When he tried to pull away, she yanked him back to her, intent on devouring him whole. His teeth nibbled at her bottom lip, and she was momentarily blinded by the intensity between them. She fisted a hand in his hair, yanking the strands from the bun at the back of his head as she encouraged him onward.

That was when Aidan’s fist connected with Remmus’ temple.

Chapter Fifteen

Agony split through his skull upon impact, driving him onto the floor with such force that Remmus was temporarily stunned. It was all his attacker needed to continue his assault, and each punch seemingly cracked another bone.

Whoever was hitting him was far stronger than he was.

Too damaged to concentrate on a teleport, Remmus crossed his arms in front of his face to deflect the blows that rained down on him. The bestial roar that accompanied them seemed inhuman, but the fists beating him bore five fingers. Faintly familiar, but Remmus couldn’t open his eyes long enough to determine the identity of his attacker.

Instead of merely taking the beating, Remmus aimed a knee upward. It connected savagely with an unprotected stomach, and then his elbow jabbed against a well-muscled shoulder. A grunt was his only indication that his attacker was alive and capable of feeling pain.

That was when a shriek sounded, “Stop!”

The beating instantly ceased.

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