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Remmus’ brow furrowed before glancing around at the additional wolves that circled. He was shifting on his feet. Was the big, bad Raeth scared of the wild wolf?

Ava’s hand rose to his, gently tugging him down beside her while she maintained her dominance over Remmington. “Let him scent you.” His fingers slid against hers as she extended it toward the animal. “He’ll accept you if you accept him.”

For once, the cocky exterior Remmus so proudly wore had dissolved, revealing the childlike joy beneath. Everything about him was innocence and hope, an innate youthfulness that’d been hidden under years of trial. While his go-to smirk highlighted his stunning features, the smile the Raeth wore when Remmington licked his hand in acceptance was absolutely devastating.

It made her wonder what was usually hindering such joy. Only something deeply rooted and troubling would have Remmus lock up this side of himself so tightly that she’d never seen it before.

Chapter Twelve

Beneath a clear sky dotted with stars, they rode back to the den in relative silence. Winter wind chilled his features, but Remmus didn’t feel cold. The presence of the woman coiled around him had fanned outward, enveloping him.

Something had changed between them tonight. Though he’d originally been intrigued by her hatred of him, he’d also been drawn to her fire every time they interacted.

Now, Remmus was beyond mere attraction. The idea of her being hurt by one of his kind made his stomach revolt.

When he’d made a quip about freezing her tail off, Ava had actually laughed. A true laugh, not forced or malevolent, and not accompanied by a death threat. It confused him. Hadn’t she vowed to hate him forever?

Remmus wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. If Ava had softened toward him, he’d take the win and continue in his quest for her affection.

Even the forlorn, forsaken pieces of his soul awoke at her nearness. Ava was passion and fire and poise: everything he wasn’t. From her sarcasm to her intellect and everything in between, she was a seductive mystery Remmus fully intended on solving—and savoring.

As they rode back into the garage aboard their borrowed treasure, Remmus wasn’t exactly surprised to find an angry alpha awaiting their return. Ava leapt off the bike as though she was the guilty party, her head lowering in clear submission.

Riaz and his mate had both adopted matching scowls, and the sight of it instantly made Remmus bite his lip to keep from laughing. He took his time getting off the bike and gave a mocking bow.

“Use your words, Riaz.”

The alpha bared teeth at him but refocused on Ava. “You okay?”

“I’m fine. I agreed to go with him.” She grimaced. “Remmus didn’t kidnap me.”

Riaz studied her for a moment, then turned back. “Stealing what’s mine will make you no friends in this den, Raeth. How did you even manage to start it without the keys?”

“I’m gifted. Ask anyone.” With a flick of his wrist, the motorcycle’s engine cut. Then, as an aside, “I did vow to sweet Ava that I’d clean the gravel dust. Shall I sign in blood now, or wait until after you’ve done the tar and feather act?”

A dangerously threatening growl sounded, a primal warning icing up his spine. “Are you here for a purpose, Raeth, or are you just going to cause problems and get my betas in trouble?”

Oh, the irony.

“Actually, fair and magnanimous alpha, Ava and I were just about to launch the downfall of Hannah Preston.”

“Who is Hannah Preston?” Riaz asked.

“Our favorite new domestic terrorist,” added Ava. “The Citizens lead at the St. Louis facility. What they’re doing is illegal, we just need to bring it to light. I also have a pile of paperwork from the facility that Remmus downloaded in my cloud storage. I haven’t gone over it with a fine-tooth comb yet and could use some assistance.”

“Ooh, paperwork,” Remmus chorused. “My favorite. I volunteer as tribute.”

Something that sounded suspiciously like ‘Why am I not surprised’ came from the blushing beta. Riaz, however, softened. “Fine. You ‘borrow’ my bike again and I’ll take it from your flesh.”

Instantly, Remmus was reduced to his bare bones. Pulling his lips back in some semblance of a smile, although all humor had fled him, he spoke the words that would damn him: “Forgive me. Won’t happen again.”

He didn’t wait for Ava to follow, brushing past the alpha pair and up the staircase that led to the den. Nails bit into his palm, and the strength of his coercion kicked into overdrive. When he heard Ava on his tail, too close for comfort, he simply teleported to his borrowed quarters.

Remmus had a feeling he hadn’t managed to fool her. The moment he’d apologized, Ava had noticed the rigidity of his posture and his erratic behavior.

A minute later, she was pounding on his door. He froze with the blade still biting into his flesh. Hastily stowing the dripping weapon in his bag, he rolled his shoulders and pulled transfiguration over his broken skin.

Beyond the door, her muffled voice asked, “Remmus?”

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