Page 95 of Midnight Stage

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I throw myself off the stage, landing with a thud in front of the barricaded audience, and I step up to the person closest to me with a phone. “The fuck are you looking at?” I demand, never having cut a song short like that in my life, but I’m starting to get pissed that I don’t have any answers. Don’t get me wrong, the second I figure out what’s happening, we’ll be right back on stage, starting the song again.

The dude holds his phone out toward me, and I turn it to face me, expecting to see a terrible natural disaster or some kind of political announcement that will severely affect the whole globe, but instead, I’m faced with a live video of Rae on her social media account.

“The fuck?”

I take her in, finding her naked on the very hotel bed we shared last night, and my heart immediately starts to race. Something feels very off about this. I shake my head, wondering what the fuck is happening when I notice her hands aren’t just behind her back, they’re bound by rope.

Fear rockets through my chest when another figure steps into the camera, and horrified gasps fill the stadium. I hear cries around me, but I’m too focused to look up as the man in the room moves toward the camera and bends low to be seen. And when his face finally comes into view, the deepest rage explodes in my chest.

“She’ll always be mine,” he says into the camera, and somehow, I know it’s a direct message to me. “You ruined my little girl, and now I’m going to ruin her for you.”

He walks over to her, grabs her thigh, and yanks her down the bed, positioning her in a way that every last person watching the stream can see directly between her legs. “You see that?” Michael Stone says, glancing over his shoulder to look directly at the camera. “You’ll never touch this filthy little whore again. She’s all mine.”

He smacks her so hard, I hear it through the phone. “SCREAM FOR ME,” he roars at her, gripping her hair and yanking her back so hard it looks as though her spine could snap. “FUCKING SCREAM FOR ME, WHORE.”

Horror blasts through my chest, and when he reaches for the front of his pants, I can’t take it another fucking second.

I take off, launching myself back up onto the stage, passing Rock and Dylan who both look at their phones, absolutely horrified. My feet pound against the stage, and as I sprint by Lenny and the other executives, none of them have a damn clue what’s going on.

“The fuck do you think you’re doing?” Lenny roars at my back. “Get back out there and finish the goddamn show.”

My gaze drops to the stranger’s phone still in my hand at the same moment Rae’s father grabs her face and shoves it into the mattress, ignoring her cries as she tries to fight him off, and not a moment later, he brutally slams inside of her.

I feel fucking sick, knowing I’m already too late, knowing that no matter how many times I vowed that he would never hurt her again, I’m reduced to nothing but a liar.

I was supposed to protect her. I was supposed to keep her safe.

Her cries and desperate pleas come through the phone, and every last one of them sends me hurtling through the backstage area faster. I leap over sound equipment and knock over the row of spare guitars waiting on standby.

Hold on, baby. I’m coming for you. And this time, I’ll make sure the bastard never touches you again.

Breaking out through the back, I find three of my security guards already waiting by a car. “Get in,” my head of security, Hardin, says.

I dive through the open car door, the stranger’s phone clutched tightly in my hand, and as the door closes behind me and the noise of the stadium is blocked out, Rae’s cries through the speakers seem so much louder.

Her father grunts while raping my woman, taking from her like he took all those years ago, night after night, as though he was entitled to her body. She cries out in pain, and as Hardin hits the gas, I can’t help but scream toward him. “GO. GO. GO.”

He flies through the traffic surrounding the stadium, pushing the car as fast as it’ll go while expertly dodging the other cars on the road. “Your room key,” Hardin says, handing me the copy of the key he has, knowing damn well I left mine back in the dressing room.

I take it from him with shaking hands, my jaw clenched. “I need to do this alone,” I tell the three guards surrounding me, having been with them long enough to know they will attempt to come with me and handle this themselves.

“Ezra—” Hardin starts.

“No,” I cut him off. “He’s been hurting her too long. I was the one who left her to endure his abuse, and I’ll be the one to make it right. I go alone.”

They all look uncomfortable, but none of them try to argue. They know what I’m capable of. They’re the ones who trained me to be ready for situations out of my control, the times when crazy stalkers make their way into my home or get too close on the street, but I’m sure as fuck this situation hadn’t crossed their mind during that particular training. Regardless of what their intentions had been, they know that when it comes to Raleigh Stone, there’s not a damn thing I wouldn’t do to protect her.

My gaze remains locked on the phone, fueling my rage. If she has to endure it, then I can be man enough to take it all in. I need to know the pain he puts her through. I need to feel it right in my chest. I need to know the extent of the horror he put her through for those two years before leaving for college. I need to know exactly what it is I left her to, and seeing it like this is the most gut-wrenching agony I’ve ever felt. But I know that what she’s going through right now is a million times worse.

I’m coming, baby. I’m coming.

“See that?” Michael Stone says, his vile tone filling the car, as he grabs her hair and forces her up to look directly into the camera. “Now the whole fucking world knows what a filthy little whore you are. Your special little guy will never touch you again, not after I’m through with you. I’m going to ruin you.” He reaches down and violently shoves his dry fingers into her ass, and as she cries out in agony, my stomach coils, the rage reaching new heights.

Rae looks away, and the shame in her eyes fucking guts me.

“And when I’m done with this overused cunt,” Michael continues. “I’m going to destroy this too.”

How fucking dare he touch her like that.

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