Page 31 of Midnight Stage

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This pent-up anger is slowly killing me, and I hate that I’m not capable of letting it go.

I’m wasting my life away, and when I think of everything my mom and Axel would have wanted for me, all I can do is laugh before it turns into a broken, gut-wrenching sob.

My phone rings from the small bedside table in my motel room, and I step back from the mirror and make a show of forcing a smile across my face and hating how fake it looks. It’s showtime.

Hurrying out of the bathroom, I quickly scoop up my phone and accept the call from Madds. She checks in almost every day, and honestly, I’m so glad she’s so easily swayed and never thinks to dig deeper than the surface. Otherwise, she would have seen through my lies years ago. “Oh my god! Happy birthday,” she squeals into the phone before I have a chance to even say hello. “I feel like it was only yesterday I was calling on your last birthday. It’s insane how quickly these past twelve months have gone.”

“Right,” I say, despite not being able to agree with her even a little bit. It’s crazy how long the days feel when you work two jobs and spend the nights sleeping with a knife you stole from a restaurant just so you can feel safe enough to close your eyes. “How are you doing? How’s work? Is that boss of yours still giving you a hard time?”

“Ugh, yes,” she says. “She’s such a cow.”

Madds instantly dives into a rant while giving me more than enough corporate gossip than I can handle for the day, and as she chats away, I grab my small makeup collection and head back into the bathroom.

I start getting ready for my first shift in this new town that I didn’t bother to learn the name of, and when she turns the conversation back on me, I start to sweat. “So, how’s everything going for you? You’ve gotta tell me all about this guy you’re dating. Oh, scrap that! How did it go with that promotion? Did you get it?”

I cringe, more than thrilled that Madds didn’t feel the need to video chat today. If she had, she surely would have seen the look on my face and known that everything I’ve said to her over the past two years has been nothing but lies, but what choice do I have? If she knew how I was living and what kind of hell I’ve been suffering through, she’d take the weight of that right on her shoulders, and these burdens are only mine to bear.

As far as Madds is aware, I’m working some lowly marketing job back in Michigan, living in a cheap apartment that’s walking distance from my fake job. I also made up a fake boyfriend, Jason, who may or may not be a little kinky. She thinks I’m living the life I always set out to achieve . . . more or less, and while my lies make me feel like an even bigger piece of shit, it puts a smile on her face, and that’s all that matters to me.

As I’m about to explain my non-existent promotion, my phone beeps in my ear, and I pull it back to find an unknown number flashing across the screen. “Shit, someone’s trying to call me,” I tell Madds, hoping like fuck it’s not someone from my new job canceling on me before I’ve even had the chance to start. “This could be important. I’ll give you a call back in a minute.”

“Kay, love you,” she says before ending the call.

There’s a split second of silence before I accept the call, and I let out a heavy breath, already expecting the worst. “Hello.”

“Hello, is this Raleigh Stone?”

“Yep, that’s me.”

“My god, you’re a hard woman to get a hold of, but nonetheless, it’s an absolute pleasure to speak with you again,” the too-formal voice says in a tone that nudges at a memory I can’t quite place. “It’s Lenny Davidson from Louder Records. How are you doing, sweetheart? It’s been far too long.”

My jaw drops, and I struggle to form words into sentences. This is some kind of joke, right? Some old fan of Axel’s has found my number and is now pranking me. There is literally no possible reason under the sun for why the CEO of Louder Records would call me. “Umm . . . Hi,” I say. I haven’t heard from the man since Axel’s funeral when I all but threatened to ruin him if he let anything bad happen to any of the guys. “I’ve been . . . I don’t know, fine I guess.”

“Wonderful news,” he says, clearly not picking up on my tone. “Listen, I know this is a little out of left field, however, I have a proposal for you.”

My face scrunches with unease. “What kind of proposal?”

“A job offer.”

I scoff. “I don’t know what kind of job offer you could possibly have for me, but the answer is no. I’m not some struggling artist hoping to make it big time, and I’m not some fancy producer. There’s literally nothing I could possibly offer Louder Records that would be beneficial for anyone involved.”

“Ahhh, I disagree,” he says, way too chipper for a man currently speaking to a woman who holds him somewhat responsible for her brother’s death. “Your brother, may he rest in peace, always spoke so highly of you. You were such an important factor in his life, and he would always tell me that one day, you would be marketing director for Demon’s Curse and would be running circles around those boys.”

His words are like a direct strike against my chest, and I have to force myself to sit so that I don’t crumble to the ground. Axel was always so proud of me, no matter how much I screwed up. He always believed I could do anything I set my mind to, just as he did, so when I first told him as an awkward teenager that I wanted to be the marketing director for Demon’s Curse, he took it as a challenge. For him, it was a done deal, but for me, things were different.

“Yeah, well, that was a long time ago,” I say, trying to keep the positivity in my tone.

“Look, I understand that working for Demon’s Curse was always a dream of yours, and while I can’t quite offer you that, I can, however, offer you a stepping stone.”

My brows furrow, too curious to deny him right away. “What kind of stepping stone?”

“A new band,” he says. “They’re going on their first tour, and when my team came to me and said that they’re in need of a marketing genius to help kickstart this tour, you were the first name that came to mind.”


“Don’t say no just yet,” he says. “I understand that working for the same company that your brother spent so many wonderful years with isn’t going to be easy, but this is what he always wanted for you. I’m not sure what direction your life has taken over the past few years, but if you want to take a leap and make a change, the opportunity is right here.”

“Thank you,” I say, unsure of where all the tears on my face are coming from. “I really appreciate it. I do, but I’m not the person you’re looking for. After Axel died, so did any chance I had of becoming something. I dropped out of college, and I’m sure a company like Louder Records isn’t looking for some college dropout to run the marketing team for the launch of a new band that I’m sure is some kind of replacement for Demon’s Curse.”

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