Page 29 of Nasty Alpha

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“Eloise was sick, but I couldn’t scent thesickness on her. Pregnant female wolves, like our kind, the ones that turninto humans, don’t give off any scent. Their pregnancy is hidden,and I’m guessing if we were to have scientists probe and do allkinds of tests, it would show it was some kind of survivaltechnique. Eloise is pregnant with a baby, part wolf, I’m guessing.She told me she was a virgin when she came to you. I also knowshe’s considered a little … frigid. She doesn’t randomly have sexwith anyone.” Rose got to her feet. “If you want to fire the bestdamn cook we have, that’s on you, but trust me, I’m going to makesure every single person in this pack knows why.”

“You like her that much, you wouldchoose her over thepack?”

Rose smiled. “I love my pack, but as ithappens, Eloise ispregnant with the next generation, and you know the startling thingabout a pack?”


“We protect our own, and as you wereaccusing her of cheating on you and being the biggest dick I’veever seen or heard, I felt this … feeling.”


“Yeah, I wanted to come down there andprotect her. I likeEloise, I even consider her a friend, but I have never had such anoverwhelming feeling in my life, where I want to come and protecther from my own kind. I usually am quite happy with others hurtinghumans. I needed to protect Eloise, and that means she is carryingpack. She is part of our pack, and you just went and broke herheart.”

With that, Rose brushed past him, and Beaulooked around the kitchen. This wasn’t good. Eloise couldn’t have gotten pregnant byhim.

He gripped the back of his neck, knowingwhat Rose said was right. There was always a risk of getting ahuman pregnant, anyone pregnant. Most of the time they worecondoms. Running a handdown his face, he knew he had fucked up, and tomorrow he was goingto have to fix it.

At no point had he scented another man onEloise. It had been part of his addiction to her, that he was theonly man she’d been with. He liked being the only one, and hedidn’t want it to fucking stop.

How had he fucked up this badly?

Chapter Eight

Eloise had no choice but to tell hermother and sister that she was pregnant, and everything that hadhappened with Beau. Both had been surprised. She’d been terrifiedthey wouldn’t accept what she’d done, and she’d behomeless. Instead, hermother had wrapped her arms around her, and well, Dorothy, hersister, had grabbed a large chef’s knife and was headed toward thedoor.

Their mother stopped Dorothy from doinganything stupid.

“You know, you didn’t have to come withme,” Eloise said. She’d spent most of the morning over the toilet,vomiting. Her mother had promised her this would soon pass, andthen everything would get easy, apart from the swollen ankles,boobs, and the large ball in front of her stomach. It didn’tsound like it was goingto be a lot of fun.

“Look, you weren’t going to throw theirfood in the trash, that’s fine, but I’m not having you deliver it on your own.”Dorothy climbed out of the truck.

“I wasn’t going to throw good food in thetrash, and besides, his pack is lovely.”

Dorothy tutted. “Honey, they’re still hispack, and that means they’re in line with him.”

Eloise wasn’t in the mood to argue. Sheglanced up at Beau’s ranch house, and she took a deep breath. Withhow he’d behaved yesterday, she hoped he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

The last person she wanted to talk to washim.

“Let’s get this over with.”

“I had no idea you were so detailed with allthis stuff,” Dorothy said. “You’ve given instructions, oventemperatures. Damn, you’ve even told them what to get. They werelucky.”

Eloise laughed. Her sister in the pasttwenty-four hours had become very attentive. She didn’t know if she liked it, but it wasfun to have a loving sister around.

Grabbing the bags of food, they made theirway to the back of thekitchen, and Eloise stopped when she caught sight of Beau. He wasleaning against the kitchen sink, coffee mug in his hand. The scentof the coffee made her feel sick, and she quickly put the bags downand then stepped outside.

Dorothy had been following her in whenEloise stepped back outside to take some deep breaths.

“Whoa, honey, are you okay?” Dorothyasked.

She put a hand on her stomach and lifted afinger in the air. “Just a minute.”

“Ah, so I’m guessing you’rethe baby daddy!”

Eloise closed her eyes, and then put her hands on herknees, taking several deep breaths, attempting to gain hercomposure, but nothing was happening. She felt so sick to herstomach.

“Who are you?”

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