Page 28 of Nasty Alpha

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She couldn’t believe what he was accusingher of. It seemed her world had gone from being so happy, and yes,secretive, to horrible.

“Get out,” Eloise said.


“You!” she snarled. “You, you, and only you, but you know what, Isee that mistake. You’re just like every other wolf. We’re onlygood to fuck, right? Somewhere for you to stick your dick into andhave fun, but that’s all. You can believe me if you want to, Beau,but that doesn’t matter. I was a virgin when I came to you, and youacted like a prick then. Guess what, you’re acting like one now.Get the fuck out of my house. I don’t need you, nor do I want you.Get out!”

An anger she had never felt before consumedher. She didn’t know where it had come from, but she began to pushand shove at Beau.

“Get out!” she repeatedly screamed and yelled at him.

Once he was out the door, she slammed andlocked it.

The moment he wasn’t there to bear witnessto her falling apart, she dropped to her knees.When arms surroundedher, she couldn’t contain her panic, but then Rose’s voiceattempted to soothe her.

“It’s okay,” Rose said. “I’m so sorry.”

“He … thinks I cheated.”

“I know.” Rose held her tightly and Eloisejust collapsed in a heap and sobbed. Her heart hurt.

Damn it.

It was only supposed to be alittle fun, but now it hurt.Now, she knew who she was really dealing with, and this wasn’tfun.

She was all alone and pregnant.


Beau stepped into the house after a hardday on the ranch. He needed to get into work, otherwise he was going to kill someone.He couldn’t stop thinking about Eloise and how she tried toconvince him that another man’s baby was his. He wanted to kill thefucker that had been touching her while he had.

Entering the kitchen, he saw Rosesitting at the dining roomtable. She was dressed the same way she’d been this morning. A mugof hot chocolate sat in front of her, at least that was thescent.

“What are you still doing up?” Beauasked.

“I’m not your child. I can come andgo as I please,” Rosesaid.

There was no point in arguing there. He hadno interest in raising three adult kids. “We’ve got a lot of workto do tomorrow. I want you to fire Eloise when she comes by withthe fo—”

He didn’t get to finish as the mug wasthrown right above his head. The chocolate that spilled down on himwas lukewarm.

“You missed.”

“No, I didn’t,” Rose said. “If I wanted itto hit you, I would have hit you.”

“You were there?” he asked.

“I was there. I was the one who told Eloiseshe might be pregnant.She felt sick, but she didn’t smell sick. I knew she was pregnantand I knew right away that she was pregnant with yourbaby.”

“There’s no way that is my baby.”

“Because you’re under some bullshitimpression that you can’t get a woman pregnant? Some divide betweenwolf and human?”

“Only my mate can carry my babies,” Beausaid.

“You stupid bastard. I decided to go andask around about your little theory. Wolves and humans can havekids, Beau. You’re theonly stupid fuck in all the fucking different wolf packs thatdidn’t seem to know. Every wolf that visits No Wolves Road wears afucking condom! Eloise is carrying your baby, and it makes perfectsense that I couldn’t scent her pregnancy.”

This made Beau stop. “What?”

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