Page 18 of Nasty Alpha

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If she wanted to get completely technicalabout it, she knew they were not going to have a relationship. Whatthey currently had was just a bit of fun. That was all. Nothing else would come ofit.

There was nothing wrong with just havingsome fun.

Last Monday, they had amazing sex, andbefore his pack even came back for lunch, she’d been gone without atrace.

Eloise had stopped to look at Beau, and now,she couldn’t help but blush as she got back to work putting thefood away.

“You know, it makes my dick hard watchingyou blush like that.”

She nibbled her lip. “I can’t control if Iblush or not.”

“No, you can’t—that I agree with—and Idon’t have a problem with it either. What it does, though, is makeme think about why you areblushing.”

He moved in behind her, trapping her betweenhis hard body and the pantry door. She didn’t even try to fight himoff. Eloise was getting aroused by his masculine scent alone.

Beau put his hands either side of her headand she didn’t have a problem with that.

“And why am I blushing?” she asked, decidingto play along. A week without seeing him was too long.

“That your pussy has only ever known mycock. Do you know howmany times I have thought about you this past week?”

“With running the ranch and taking care ofyour pack, I don’t imagine you’ve spared much thought aboutme.”

He chuckled. “Then you’re wrong. You’reall I’ve thought aboutthis past week. All I want is you.” He began to play with a curl ofher hair, which had come loose from the bun she’d tied itinto.

“But I thought you didn’t like to play with humans,” shesaid.

“I don’t, but you’re not like other humans,are you, Eloise? You’redifferent.”

She chuckled. “I’m not different. I’m stillvery much human.”

“Yes, you are, and I don’t have a problemwith that. In fact, I like it.” He leaned in close and she felt hisbreath dance across her neck. That shouldn’t arouse her, and yet,she felt so turned on by his closeness. She wanted his large handsall over her body.

Eloise suddenly gasped as one of thosehands moved from the side of her head to go down,move between her thighs,and cup her pussy.

She wore a pair of jeans, and she’d beentorn between a dress andthese jeans. It was getting a little cold out, and she didn’t likefreezing. The sleeveless tops were also gone, and she wore aflannel shirt her mother had made her years ago.

“Tell me, Eloise, do you want me to stop, orwould you like to learn a little more about what your body cantake?”

The sane part of her body was screaming ather to run, to end this charade between them. It was going to endbadly anyway, there was no point in either of them pretending.

But, she also had tolisten to that crazypart of her body that wanted more. That was hungry for him and himalone, desperate for him.

She wanted him.

“As it happens, I’ve always beencomplimented on being a damn good student, and I love tolearn.”

Beau smiled and then she should have seenit coming as she was suddenly over his shoulder, her face staring at his ass.

“You know, I can walk.”

“I know, but your human legs take toolong.”

She was tempted to bite his ass, but shehad a feeling he’d like it. Also, she didn’t doubt for asecond that his bites would bea little more painful if he decided to reciprocate.

Within minutes they were in his bedroom,and he was attacking herclothes. Eloise, feeling bold, started on his as well, and itdidn’t take long for them to collapse onto the bed,naked.

Beau rolled her beneath him, sliding one ofhis large thighs over her waist, and then he slid a hand from herneck, stroking down to cup her tit, then further down toward herpussy.

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