Page 15 of Nasty Alpha

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She needed to get the hell out of the house, and maybe evenout of town. Last night had messed with her head, and she didn’twant to talk to anyone about it. They would know what she did lastnight, and the truth was, she wanted to forget it.

Who wanted to remember the first time witha guy, as he took hervirginity, and you screamed in pain, that he growled, yelled at youfor not telling him, and then without another word,left?

That was exactly what Beau did to her.

Climbing into her truck, she slammed thedoor closed, took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled it out.

“It’s fine,” she said.

She started up her truck and pulled out ofthe driveway. The curtain on the house twitched and she had afeeling her sister or her mother were watching her leave.

Keeping calm, she pulled out of thesmall driveway and thenheaded in the direction of the supermarket. Only, when she got tothe supermarket, she kept driving, and continued to drive until shefound the sign for parking up the road. When she got there, sheturned left, and then headed up the small incline, and came out ona dried dirt stop for cars. No one was around, and she put hertruck in Park.

She kept the engine running and thenpressed her head close to the horn, but not touching it.

“It’s fine,” she said again.

The truth was, she wasn’t exactly feeling fine.

She didn’t know what she was feeling, but itcertainly wasn’t fine, nor was it okay. Her first sexual experiencehad ended in disaster, with a wolf of all people. A much olderwolf, and he’d treated her like she’d done something despicable.Now she had to go and freaking shop for him and his pack. What wasshe going to do?

Turning off the ignition, she climbed out ofher truck and began to pace, moving back and forth. She was angryat herself, and at him.

She spun back, went toher door, and thenscreamed. This was something she used to do as a kid, only it wouldhappen in the backyard. Her mom would allow her to have herscreaming fit, and when it was over, she’d normally have to go backinside and apologize.

Her mother would always tell her not toworry, that she didn’t need to apologize. This only happened whenthey first moved to No Wolves Road. Years later, she and her momwere talking, and Wendy believed she only screamed when life gottoo scary, or she wasdoing stuff she didn’t quite understand.

Eloise didn’t know why she did it, onlythat she had done it, and now she didn’t even feelgood about it. In fact, shefelt a hell of a lot worse.

She made her way back into the truck anddrove all the way to the supermarket.

This wasn’t her. She wasn’t going to allowone shitty night to affect her life. Rose had asked her to do this,and that was exactly what she was going to do.


Beau kept expecting Rose to come to him tolet him know Eloise had quit taking care of their food. Monday came, and he asked Roseabout the food, to which she said Eloise would come in the morning.All she had to do was make sure the fridge and freezer were readyto take it.

He was tempted to be far away when shearrived. Instead, he sent the whole pack far away from the ranch,telling them not to come back until lunch. No one argued with him.He knew they believed he’d been particularly grouchy since the lastfull moon. If only they knew he had a good reason.

He stood in the front of the houseand at exactly eighto’clock, Eloise’s truck appeared in the driveway.

She didn’t stop or hesitate. She parkedher truck, climbed out, and began to move grocery bags, along withthe sacks he knew contained the food she’d cooked for the week. Hewaited until all the food was in the kitchen before he made his way inside.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Beau asked.

Eloise spun around with a gasp. “I don’thave to talk to you.”

“No, you must want to, seeing as you cameback to the ranch.”

“Trust me, my being herehas nothing to do withyou and everything to do with my deal with Rose. She asked, Ioffered, this is what I do.”

Why did she have to say shit like this? Allit did was make him like her even more, which now pissed himoff.

He closed the distance between them. “Whydidn’t you tell me you were a fucking virgin!” He was past losinghis temper.

“How?” she asked, yelling right back athim. “How and when do I tell you? It’s not something you just drop into aconversation. Oh, hi there, I’m Eloise, and even though we barelyknow each other, on the off chance we may end up having sex, youmight want to know I’m a freaking virgin. It isn’t exactly aconversation starter.”

Okay, he couldn’t argue with that.

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