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“Oh, God, Carla!” I scream again.

Rushed footsteps bring the Black Devil goons beside Kyle as he looks down at us, a tendril of smoke lazily rising from the muzzle of his gun.

“You killed her,” I manage, hot tears streaming down my cheeks as I pull myself out from under Carla’s lifeless body. Stunned and in shock, I’m trembling like a leaf in the middle of a fucking hailstorm, scared out of my mind as the smell of gunpowder and blood fills my nostrils.

“She had one job,” Kyle bluntly replies. “And I won’t risk getting myself killed because she decided to be stupid.” He pauses and gives me a curious look. “How did you get her to help you? She was more than happy to see you die.”

“It’s none of your fucking business,” I sob, trying to pull myself back together, but I can’t look away from her face, her eyes glassy and wide open.

“You’re not dying, anyway. Not on my watch. Carla didn’t know this, but I made my own deal with Colton. And I’m more useful to him than some two-bit hooker.” He nods at the other Devils. “Get her body out of here. I don’t want my old lady to feel any kind of discomfort while she’s in our care.”

I stare at him in sheer disbelief, my synapses rapidly firing signals in every which way. My mind is pure chaos, and I can’t make any sense of what just happened. The hope I dared feel mere moments ago just perished. Desolation is quick to take its place. “Your old lady?” I ask. “Jesus Christ, Kyle, you’re as delusional as Carla was.”

“Oh, no. I got the real deal. You see, Colton would never let Orion, Drake, and Kai live, but he needed Carla’s intel to get to you, their weak spot,” Kyle replies. “I, on the other hand, don’t want those pricks alive, not after what they put me through.”

“For fuck’s sake, you were a shitty prospect and you got kicked out of the club because you’re a loser,” I shoot back, fury burning hot in the back of my throat.

“Colton thinks I’m an excellent Devil, though,” Kyle says. I catch a glimpse of the goons rolling their eyes, but neither says anything as they come downstairs and carry Carla’s body back up. “Point is, both Colton and I get what we want because he doesn’t really care about what happens to you. You’re just a means to an end to him. He kills the pricks and I get my revenge and my woman. It’s a win-win.”

“Kyle, you will suffer for this. You have no idea the kind of shitstorm that’s headed your way,” I tell him.

One of the goons chuckles harshly. “Honey, be grateful you get to live. We’ll handle the shitstorm, don’t worry about it.”

“By the time Colton’s done with Orion and his crew, I’ll be sipping mai tais with you on a beach in the Maldives, baby,” Kyle says, grinning ear to ear.

The sight of his satisfied, smug face sends shivers down my spine and bile rising in my mouth. I’m seconds away from hurling, passing out, or both, but somehow, I find the nerve to breathe in deeply and give Kyle my last words.

“You’ll die here,” I tell him. “And you know it.”

He raises a skeptical eyebrow and shuts the door. I’m left on my own again. A fresh round of tears rolls down my cheeks as I shudder and hug my knees, rocking myself back and forth in an attempt to soothe my nervous system. I can’t soothe anything, though. I’m a weeping mess, and I just lost my only shot at getting out of here before it’s too late.

The light outside is dwindling.

It’ll be dark soon.

And when the night comes, I will be a few hours closer to death.

Kyle is fooling himself, much like Carla before him. The problem is, unlike Carla, Kyle is highly motivated to keep me here. I can’t reason with him the way I did with her. And I certainly can’t mention the pregnancy. His ego won’t allow my children to live. He’ll lose his mind and flip out beyond any reason.

I need to get myself out of here.



With Dale’s approval, Kai, Orion, and I head out on a raid of every clubhouse still standing in Orange County. One by one, we knock their doors down and rain hell on anyone standing in our way. No one is spared, but not much blood is spilled, either. We use our fists and the butts of our guns, doing our best to keep our promise to the FBI.

Not a single bullet is fired. I’m actually kind of proud of how much we’re able to accomplish with simple, good old-fashioned violence, even though I spent the past few years actively avoiding such endeavors.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

But despite our efforts, we can’t seem to break anybody to the point where they’re willing to tell us where Colton might be keeping Nadia. They’re too scared of that fucker. More scared of him than they are of us, and that speaks volumes.

It’s not until we reach the Black Sabbath clubhouse again that hope finally rises on the horizon. As soon as we pull over and get off our bikes, Smarty comes out to greet us with his shotgun again. This time, however, Orion has come prepared.

“I told you not to come back here!” Smarty shouts, quaking in his boots.

“And I told you not to point that thing at me again,” Orion replies and fires his taser.

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