Page 39 of Dublin Rogue

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Her gaze drifts around my room, taking in the details. “What are you really doing here, ducky?”

Her question catches me off guard. “You mean besides being Tag’s prisoner?”

She chuckles. “Prison, you say. So, this elegant suite is your cell and Tag Quinn is your warden? You realize there are a thousand sweet things that would change places with you in a heartbeat, don’t you?”

“What is it to you?”

She gives me a non-committal shrug and checks the polish on her nails. “I’ve been with the Quinns since we were kids. We’re a family. And in a world like ours, family watches out for one another.”

I pause, seeing her extended claws for what they really are. “Oh, I get it. You’re one of the women who got the wrong idea. You thought you were special, but learned otherwise. What’s the matter? A little green-eyed monster got you by the heart?”

Siobhan laughs, a sound that doesn’t hold any warmth. “I’m simply making conversation. Everyone knows Tag didn’t bring you here out of the goodness of his heart. There’s an angle. Whether it’s on his side or yours, I’m not sure.”

I bristle at her insinuation. “I think you should leave.”

Her eyes narrow slightly, but she doesn’t move an inch. “You don’t even know what you’ve gotten into, do you?”

After years in the courtroom interrogating hostile witnesses, I can bury my emotional response to any situation. This chick has no idea who she’s toying with. “I don’t suppose that’s any of your concern. Now, run along. Maybe there’s something important you can do to keep Tag’s attention. Don’t let me keep you. Busy day and all that.”

Her gaze narrows. “Don’t be so naïve, girlfriend.”

I scoff. “I’m not your girlfriend, and I’ve asked you politely three times now. So, in terms you might actually understand, feck off.”

Before she can retort, another voice intervenes. “What’s going on in here?”

A younger, softer version of Tag enters the bedroom. He looks from Siobhan to me and back to the redhead. “Siobhan? Is there a problem?”

All the sharp edges disappear as the woman pulls her claws in. “Och, no, Finny. Everything’s grand. How are you? Aiden mentioned you’ve been down since your da passed. I’m sorry about that.”

If I remember correctly, Finn is the youngest Quinn brother…and thankfully, he doesn’t seem too thrilled to see the redhead. “Aiden is downstairs. He asked that I send you down so he can take you home.”

“Of course,” Siobhan replies, her eyes lingering on me for a moment longer than necessary before she exits.

I don’t give her the satisfaction of reacting. Being a lawyer at a top-tier firm trains you to process things inwardly and not let them see you sweat.

When she’s gone, Finn steps inside, his expression concerned. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, thank you,” I say, managing a smile. “I appreciate you stepping in.”

He nods, looking me over, curiosity evident in his dark green gaze.

“Can I help you?”

He straightens and scratches at the back of his neck. “Och, sorry. It’s just…Tag hasn’t come home since Da’s funeral, and I was wondering what prompted his return last night.”

“I suppose it was the attack at Jimmy’s pub. He said he had a lot to deal with because of that.”

Finn flashes me a knowing grin. “Aye, I’m sure that’s what it was. Anyway, he sent me up to escort you down for breakfast. The place is big and people tend to get turned around.”

“He won’t be joining us?”

“He will. He’s just finishing up a call and will join us in the dining room.”

“I’ll just be a moment. I’m going to change into my own clothes now that they are here.” Taking my duffle bag into the bathroom, I close the door and start pulling out the neatly folded stacks of my belongings. After setting them on the bathroom vanity, I pull the leather tab of the traveler’s bag and stare at an empty compartment.

You motherfucking asshole.

The money I stashed away, every last dollar of my new life emergency fund, is gone.

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