Page 30 of Dublin Rogue

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Tag leads me inside, and the interior is just as impressive as the exterior—rich hardwood floors, antique furniture, and opulent rugs.

But it’s the air of solemnity that captivates me, the quiet power that seems to permeate through the very walls of the Quinn family home.

“Holy shit, am I dreaming?”

I turn toward the male voice and find two more Quinns. There’s no doubt about it—these men are his brothers. They are the bigger, bulkier version of Tag, but with a devilish youth that seems to have been lost or worn down on their older brother.

“Wow, you boys look so much alike.”

Tag nods. “We all take after our da. These are the twins, Brendan and Bryan.”

“Did your mother’s genes even try?”

He arches an ebony brow. “The Quinn genes are hard to overcome. Come now, I’ll show you to your room. Boys, war room in ten.”

“Why? What’s happened?” Brendan asks.

“A great deal.”

Tag walks me up the grand staircase and stops at a door halfway down an ornately decorated hallway. “I’m sure you’ll be comfortable, but if you need anything, there’s an intercom by the bed to call Cora.”

He opens the door to reveal a bedroom that’s both luxurious and inviting, with a large four-poster bed and a view of the gardens. “I’ll ask Aiden to retrieve your things from the Gilford. You’ll have them by morning.”

My steps falter. “I’d rather he not.”

“And why is that?” he asks in a calm, confident tone. “I assure you there is nothing about your delicates or your belongings that will shock or interest him.”

I draw a deep breath and sigh. “I was looking forward to staying in that little inn. I thought it would be my sanctuary in this foreign land.”

“Things have changed.”

Yes, and I’m trying to figure out how to change them back without getting drawn into the Quinn whirlpool any further. “It’s fine. I rented the room for a week. I’m sure my things are safe there.”

He arches an imperious brow. “Reading people is a skill that keeps me and those around me alive. As I mentioned earlier, I am extraordinarily good at it. Right now, you’re being evasive, verging on lying. What is it you don’t want Aiden to find?”

I roll my eyes. “You really have a problem with privacy, don’t you?”

“I am trying to be accommodating and make your stay here more comfortable.”

“This isn’t a hotel stay, Tag. You’ve basically kidnapped me.”

His expression hardens. “Trust me. If this were a kidnapping, you wouldn’t be in the guest room of my family home.”

No. I’d likely be locked in a basement somewhere with a single bed against a concrete wall because that’s the kind of man he is.

“Fine. Get my things or don’t. I don’t care.”

He exhales and rubs a rough hand over his stubbled jaw. “Tomorrow, I’ll show you around, but tonight I’m needed downstairs. You look knackered, so get some rest.”

“If knackered is ready to drop, then I’m guilty as charged.”

With that, he turns to leave, but stops in the hall and turns back. His emerald gaze is as stormy as ever, and I fight not to get drawn into it.

“I realize you’re a smart woman, but just for the sake of clarity, don’t try to leave. After the attack at the pub, my men will have instructions to take down anyone on the grounds with violent force. I’d hate for you to be hurt.”

The threat is clear but there is genuine concern there too. “Just for the sake of clarity, not being allowed to leave is the very definition of kidnapping.”

He scowls. “Sleep well, Miss Laine. Hopefully, things will look better in the morning.”

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