Page 31 of Dublin Rogue

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I close the door softly and turn to face the room.

I doubt that very much.



Fucking hell. And things started out so well. Why the fuck did the McGuires pick tonight to come after me? Couldn’t I have one night of amazing sex with a stranger? Not that I think one night with Laine would be nearly enough.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Perhaps she’s right and me bringing her here is slightly kidnappy, or at least kidnapping adjacent, but my reasoning is sound. She could be in danger…and not just from me taking an interest in her.

Aiden is waiting for me at the top of the stairs. When I get to him, I gesture up toward the second floor. “When we’re done here, go to the Gilford Inn and get her things. She’s registered under the name Laine O’Neill.”

He arches a brow. “She’s staying?”

“For the time being.”

“Is that wise?”

I fight the urge to lash out. It’s been a clusterfuck of a night and I’m on edge. “Why not?”

“Because you just met her, didn’t you?”

“Your point?”

Aiden scowls. “My point is she doesn’t belong here. She’s a tourist and shouldn’t be dragged into whatever happens next.”

“She’s already been dragged into it. That’s why she’s here. Declan made a point of taking notice of her. She could be in danger.”

Aiden flashes me a skeptical look. “That’s a reach and you know it.”

He’s probably right, but I don’t want to look too closely at it. There’s something about Laine that speaks to me. I don’t know what it is yet and I’m not willing to let her walk out of my life until I find out.

“Look, Tag, I’m not trying to cockblock you or anything. We just don’t know her and she’s inside the family home during a time when the McGuires are making a move.”

I meet his gaze and hear the tension in his words. “She isn’t a plant to infiltrate our organization, mate. She’s a woman who came to the bar to have a send-off drink with her mam’s ashes.”

“On the night when the McGuires hit the pub.”

“She just flew in this morning and had the bad luck to get sucked into my wake.”

“If that were all it was, she wouldn’t be here.”

I stop and take a step back before I clap him one. “What are you saying?”

He frowns at me. “I’m saying you need to check her out and keep your eyes open. You’re a target now and you don’t usually get led around by your cock.”

I hold up a finger in warning. “If you don’t want to end up with my knife in your belly, now is the time to let it drop. And while we’re on the subject of unsolicited advice about dipping our wicks, why was Siobhan in the truck tonight? Tell me you’re not fucking her.”

One side of his mouth quirks up in a smile. “I could tell you that, but being your second means I don’t fucking lie to you.”

Wonderful. That’s a clusterfuck waiting to happen. “Take it from one who knows. Nothing is worth wetting your cock in that well.”

“She told me you’d say that. People change, brother.”

Not fucking likely.

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