Page 9 of From Boss to Boo

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Our biggest test is yet to come. We have an upcoming business trip and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to keep my hands to myself. We both want it, that much is clear. I have to be the boss here, even if it means being boss of my own urges.

Still, I can't help but wonder if some lines are meant to be crossed.

My gaze lingers on her as she works diligently at her desk, her brow dropped in concentration. The soft light from her desk lamp casts a warm glow on her face, highlighting her delicate features and the curve of her lips.

For a moment, I'm struck by the soft glow of the lamp on her desk. The way the light shines on her soft brown hair drives a wedge in my thoughts. I don't know if I can be the boss of my urges, not when she’s looking like that.

I quickly shake my head, pushing those thoughts aside. Just as I'm about to dive back into my work, my phone rings. It's my mother. She’s been especially insistent that I give my ex another shot.

I really don’t want to deal with her shit right now. Before I can answer her, a knock on my door startles me, and I look up to see Amara standing in the doorway. She already knows something’s under my skin.

"Mr. Winthrop, is everything alright?" she asks, her voice soft and gentle.

I hesitate for a moment, not wanting to burden her with my personal problems. But the genuine concern in her eyes and the weight of the news I've just received compel me to open up.

"It's nothing" I say, my voice strained. "Just family politics."

“Oh I already know how that goes, sir.” Amara's expression softens, and she takes a step closer to my desk. "Is there anything at all I can do to help?"

I quickly remind myself to maintain my professional boundaries. "Thank you, Amara, but I'll be fine," I say, straightening my posture and trying to regain my composure. "We need to focus on preparing for this business trip. It's crucial for the company."

Amara nods, understanding my need to focus on work. "Of course, sir. I'll make sure everything is in order for the trip."

We work late into the night, finalizing presentations and reviewing our itinerary. As the hours tick by, I find myself increasingly grateful for Amara's presence. Her steady focus and quiet support help keep me grounded, even as my mind is clouded with worry about my father.

At one point, our hands brush as we reach for the same document, and I feel a spark of electricity pass between us. I glance up, and for a moment, I'm lost in her eyes, a deep, soulful brown that seems to see right through me.

I quickly pull my hand away, clearing my throat and refocusing on the papers in front of me. I can't afford to let my guard down, not when there's so much at stake.

But as we continue to work, side by side, I can't shake the feeling that Amara is more than just an assistant to me. She's a source of strength and comfort, someone who understands me in a way that few others do.

And as much as I try to push those thoughts aside, to maintain the professional distance that I've always believed in, I can't help but wonder if there's something more between us, a connection that goes beyond the bounds of this office.

I think about going on the trip solo, but I always take my assistant.

So she will come with me. I’ll just have to be on my best behavior, that’s all.



As I step out of the taxi and onto the bustling streets of New York, I can hardly contain my excitement. The towering skyscrapers and vibrant energy of the city are a far cry from where I grew up, and I feel a thrill of anticipation at the prospect of the business conference that lies ahead.

I can’t believe I’ve come so far.

As a troubled kid, I had to do what I had to do to survive.

Now I’m taking first class flights and eating at restaurants where I can’t even begin to decipher the menu. Luckily, my boss handles that for me, he seems to have a sixth sense for when I need his help.

Grayson steps out beside me, looking impeccable in his tailored suit and crisp white shirt. He hands the driver a tip and turns to me with a smile. "Ready to take on the world?" he asks, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.

I grin back at him, feeling a flutter of nerves and excitement in my stomach. "Absolutely, sir. I can't wait to see what this conference has in store."

“The world has in store…”

“Of course, sir. The world.” That’s the thing about Grayson. When I’m with him, he always takes my version of things, and makes it bigger, better than I would’ve thought of on my own. It’s something I’ll have to get used to, the way he pushes me to want more.

“Think big, Amara.” He says, walking us towards a set of gilded doors, with a door man in an elegant red coat, waiting to open the wide oak doors for us.

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