Page 48 of From Boss to Boo

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Evelyn Winthrop may have tried to tear us apart...

But she underestimated the power of our love, the unbreakable bond we share.

And she's about to learn, the hard way...

The drive to the Winthrop family estate is tense, the air thick with unspoken emotions. Grayson's hand rests on my knee, a silent show of support and solidarity as we wind our way up the long, tree-lined driveway. I can feel the tension coming from him as he grips my knee with every turn of the car, until at last, the gravel driveway crunches underneath us.

As we pull up to the sprawling mansion, I feel a flicker of nervousness, a momentary doubt in my resolve. But then I catch sight of Evelyn, standing on the front steps with a look of icy disdain on her face, and my determination hardens into steel.

"Darling," she calls out as we exit the car, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "What an unexpected surprise. And I see you've brought your little...friend."

I feel Grayson tense beside me, his jaw clenching with barely-contained anger. But I squeeze his hand, a silent reminder to let me handle this.

"Evelyn," I say coolly, meeting her gaze head-on. "We need to talk."

She raises a perfectly-arched eyebrow, a look of bored indifference on her face. "Do we, now? And what could we possibly have to discuss, my dear?"

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the confrontation ahead. "I think you know exactly what we need to discuss, Evelyn. The file you compiled on me. The secrets from my past that you dug up and tried to use against me."

For a moment, she looks taken aback, a flicker of surprise crossing her features. But then her expression hardens, a cruel smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

"Ah, yes. Your sordid little history. I must say, I was quite shocked to learn of your...shall we say, colorful past? It's a wonder Grayson would even consider tying himself to someone with such a questionable background."

I feel a flash of anger, hot and fierce, rising up in my chest. But I force myself to remain calm, to keep my voice level and controlled. "My past is just that, Evelyn. The past. It doesn't define me, and it certainly doesn't give you the right to pass judgment on my character or my relationship with Grayson."

She scoffs, a sound of derision. "Doesn't it, though? A woman with a history like yours...well, let's just say it raises some serious concerns about your suitability as a Winthrop bride."

I feel Grayson's hand tighten around mine, a low growl of warning rumbling in his chest. But I give him a subtle shake of my head, a silent plea to let me handle this.

"Evelyn," I say, my voice ringing out clear and strong. "I understand that you have reservations about me, about my background and my past. But let me make one thing perfectly clear. I love your son, and I would love him regardless of his standings or company or anything else. And I will fight for him, for our relationship, with every ounce of strength and determination I possess. Now you best straighten up, the way I understand it, your dear boy is in fact the majority shareholder of the company, the family’s wealth, and it looks like this fine estate, too. Now, that technically makes him your boss, and me yours, by extension."

I take a step forward, my eyes blazing with a fierce, unwavering resolve. "I am not going anywhere, Evelyn. Not now, not ever. Grayson and I are a team, a partnership. And nothing you say or do will ever change that. So you best mind your manners. Nothing good will come from further meddling, I’ll tell you that much."

For a long moment, she stares at me, her eyes narrowed and calculating. But then, to my surprise, she throws back her head and laughs, a sound of genuine amusement that catches me completely off guard.

"Well, well, well," she chuckles, more shocked than anything. "It seems I may have no choice. I can’t lose my baby boy over something he dragged out of one of his little gentlemens clubs, I’m assuming."

Grayson grins, a look of fierce pride and adoration in his eyes as he pulls me close. "That will be enough nasty talk, Mother. You know I won’t have it. I told you, Amara is the love of my life, my soulmate. And nothing, not even your meddling and manipulation, will ever change that."

Evelyn nods with a guilty look on her face. "I can see that now, darling. And while I may not always agree with your choices...I suppose I have no choice but to accept them. For the sake of our family, and for the happiness of my only son."

She turns to me, her expression serious and solemn. "Amara, I...I apologize for my actions. It was wrong of me, and I hope that, in can find it in your heart to forgive me."

I feel a rush of emotion wash over me, a mixture of relief and gratitude and cautious hope. "Thank you, Evelyn," I say softly, my voice thick with feeling. "That means more to me than you know. And while it may take time for us to build a relationship, to find a way to coexist...I promise to try. For Grayson's sake, and for the sake of our future together."

She nods, a look of understanding and acceptance on her face. "That's all I can ask for, my dear. And who knows? Perhaps, in time...we may even find a way to be friends."

As we say our goodbyes and make our way back to the car, I feel a sense of lightness, a weight lifted from my shoulders that I didn't even realize I'd been carrying.

Because I know, with a bone-deep certainty, that Grayson and I can weather any storm, overcome any obstacle.

As long as we have each other, we are unbreakable.

And as we drive off into the night, hand in hand and heart to heart...

I know that our love story is far from over.

In fact, it's only just beginning.

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