Page 43 of From Boss to Boo

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"Grayson," Amara whispers, her voice thick with unshed tears, "I...I understand. And I'm not going to lie, the idea of a stings a little. It makes me feel maybe you don't trust me, or our love, as much as I thought you did."

I feel my heart crack in my chest, a physical ache blooming behind my ribs. "Amara, no. That's not it at all. I trust you with my life, with my heart...with everything that I am. This's not about you, or us. It's about my family, and their expectations."

She's quiet for a moment, and I can practically hear the gears turning in her mind. "I get it, Grayson. I do. And I...I'm willing to have this conversation, to try and understand where you and your family are coming from."

I let out a shuddering breath, relief washing over me in a dizzying wave. "Thank you, Amara. Thank you for being open to this, for trusting in our love enough to navigate this together."

We spend the next hour talking, really talking, about our hopes and dreams for the future, our individual goals and expectations. We discuss the prenup in detail, Amara asking thoughtful questions and offering her own perspective on what feels fair and equitable.

And as we talk, I feel a sense of peace settle over me, a bone-deep certainty that, no matter what challenges we may face...Amara and I will always find a way through, together.

"I love you, Amara Jeffries," I murmur, my voice rough with emotion. "More than anything in this world. And I promise...I will always, always put our love first. No matter what."

"I know you will, Grayson," she whispers back, her voice equally thick with feeling. I can just imagine her face, her soft brown eyes, brimming with tears as she clings to the phone in her hand. "And I love you too. Forever and always."

As we say our goodbyes and hang up the phone, I lean back in my chair, a small smile playing at the corners of my mouth.

Because I know, with a clarity that pierces through the very heart of me...

That Amara and I?

We're unbreakable.

And no prenup, no family expectation, no challenge or obstacle...

Can ever change that.



"Ladies and gentlemen," I begin, my voice ringing out clear and strong, "I want to thank you all for being here today. I know that the past few weeks have been challenging, to say the least. The Hawthorne account has tested our limits, pushed us to the brink of what we thought was possible."

I pause, letting my gaze sweep across the room, taking in the nods of agreement and murmurs of recognition. "But I'm proud to say that, thanks to the hard work and dedication of every single person in this room...we've not only met the client's demands, but exceeded them in every way."

A ripple of applause breaks out, the tension in the room dissipating as smiles bloom on every face. I feel a rush of pride and gratitude wash over me, a sense of accomplishment that goes beyond just this one project.

"I want to take a moment to recognize a few key players," I continue, my eyes sparkling with appreciation. "First and foremost, our fearless leader, Grayson Winthrop. Without his unwavering support and guidance, none of this would have been possible."

I catch Grayson's eye from across the room, my heart skipping a beat at the love and pride shining back at me. He nods, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he mouths "I love you."

"And of course, I couldn't have done this without my incredible team," I press on, turning to face the group of colleagues who have become like family over the past few months. "Each and every one of you brought your A-game, your passion, your creativity to the table. And it shows in the final product."

I spend the next few minutes recognizing individual contributions, calling out specific moments of brilliance and innovation. The energy in the room is electric, a palpable sense of camaraderie and shared triumph.

As I smile at my colleagues, the memories of the rumors that nearly stood in my way are long in the rear view mirror. I’ve more than earned my success here today, and even though I can see the jealousy on some faces, I know it's because I made this happen. Grayson and I made it happen together.

As the meeting wraps up and the team begins to disperse, I feel a hand on my shoulder, a familiar warmth that sends shivers down my spine.

"You were incredible up there," Grayson murmurs, his breath hot against my ear. "I am so, so proud of you."

I turn to face him, my eyes shining with unshed tears of joy and gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without you, Grayson. Your support, your belief in means everything."

He leans in, pressing a soft, sweet kiss to my lips. "You're a rockstar, Amara Jeffries. And the world is finally starting to see what I've known all along."

I grin, feeling a rush of love and happiness wash over me. "I guess I'd better get used to the spotlight, then. Because if the whispers I've been hearing are true...this is just the beginning."

Grayson raises an eyebrow, curiosity sparking in his eyes. "Whispers? Do tell, my love."

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