Page 35 of From Boss to Boo

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"Sophia," I reply coolly, sliding into the seat across from her. "I must admit, your call yesterday caught me quite off guard. To what do I owe this...unexpected invitation?"

She smiles, a slow, cat-like thing that doesn't quite reach her eyes. "Always so direct. I can see why Grayson finds you...refreshing."

I bristle at the thinly veiled condescension in her tone but force myself to remain calm and collected. "Yes, well. As I said, I do have quite a busy schedule to attend to. So if we could cut to the chase..."

She takes a dainty sip of her latte, clearly enjoying the power play. "Of course. I won't beat around the bush, Amara. I asked you here today because I wanted to discuss Grayson. And more intentions towards him."

My heart stutters in my chest, but I keep my expression carefully neutral. I can’t let this apex predator sense any weakness in me. "I see. And what exactly are those intentions?"

She sets down her cup, leaning forward with a conspiratorial air. "I want him back, Amara. Plain and simple. Or rather, I will have him back. Grayson and I...we have a history. A connection that never truly died, even after all these years. We belong together. I know it, our families know it, you are really the only roadblock in the way."

I feel like I've been sucker-punched, the air rushing from my lungs in a dizzying whoosh. But still, I cling to my composure, refusing to give her the satisfaction of seeing me crumble.

"I see," I say again, my voice impressively steady. "And does Grayson know about these...intentions of yours? Have you shared this little revelation with him?"

She waves a dismissive hand, her perfectly manicured nails glinting in the sunlight streaming through the cafe windows. "All in good time, darling. I wanted to speak with you first. Woman to woman, as I said. He’s left every woman ever since for me."

I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest. "Alright then. Woman to woman. What is it that you want from me? My blessing? My permission to pursue a man who is very much in a committed relationship with someone else?"

She has the audacity to laugh, a trilling sound that sets my nerves even further on edge. "Oh, Amara. You truly are adorable. No, I'm not asking for your permission. Frankly, I don't need it. Just giving you a chance to save face. To pull out. You’re not getting through me, and you’re certainly not getting through mother. He’s mine. Plain and simple."

Her eyes harden, all pretense of friendliness falling away. "I'm simply informing you of my plans. Giving you a chance to gracefully step aside before things get...messy. Because make no mistake, darling. I will have Grayson back. Just like I always do, quite frankly, you’re out of your league and you know it. Outclassed in every way, and again, it’s not on you. That’s not your fault. Sweetie. Poor thing, the foolish man shouldn’t have roped you into this, but he had to find out, so you see. It can’t be helped."

I gape at her, momentarily stunned by the sheer nerve of this woman. But then, a calm settles over me. An unshakable certainty born of the love and trust Grayson and I have built together.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken," I say quietly, my voice laced with steely resolve. "Grayson is not some prize to be won or a pawn to be manipulated. He's a man who has made his choice - and that choice is me."

I rise to my feet, gathering my purse and fixing her with a look of pure, unbridled determination. "I'll give you this one chance to back off gracefully. Whatever you may have shared with Grayson in the past, that's where it belongs - firmly in the rearview. He's with me now. I'm his future. And no amount of scheming or delusional entitlement on your part is going to change that."

Her eyes flash with rage, her pretty face twisting into an ugly sneer. "You naive little fool. You think you can hold onto a man like Grayson? With your entry-level ambitions? Please. You won’t last another week."

I shake my head, a mixture of pity and disgust welling up inside me. "You know what? I actually feel sorry for you. To be so trapped in the past, so obsessed with a relationship that died long's sad. I hope one day you can find the strength to move on and build something real for yourself. Something beyond these twisted little power games."

“Is that what he tells you? Adorable.”

With that, I turn on my heel and stride out of the cafe, my head held high and my resolve unwavering. I know, deep in my bones, that no force on this earth could tear Grayson and me apart. Not even the machinations of a vindictive ex with delusions of grandeur.

As I slide behind the wheel of my car, I make a decision. I won't tell Grayson about this little meeting - not yet, anyway. I refuse to let her toxic presence cast a shadow over our joyful reunion.

But still, the things she said, it makes me wonder. Are we strong enough to weather her storm?



Istep into the hushed, opulent interior of the high-end jewelry store, my heart hammering in my chest. Today's the day I finally choose the ring that will symbolize my eternal commitment to Amara - and I'll be damned if it's anything less than perfect.

"Ah, Mr. Winthrop! Welcome, welcome!" The impeccably dressed jeweler greets me with a deferential bow, his eyes gleaming with recognition. "It's an honor to have you in our humble establishment. How may I assist you today?"

I clear my throat, suddenly feeling a bit out of my depth amidst the glittering display cases and plush velvet trays. "I'm looking for an engagement ring. Something truly exceptional, for a truly exceptional woman."

The jeweler's face lights up with understanding, a knowing smile playing at his lips. "But of course, sir. I take it this lucky lady is someone very special indeed?"

"Special doesn't even begin to cover it," I murmur, my mind flooding with images of Amara's radiant smile, her tender touch, her unwavering strength. "She's...everything. My partner, my soulmate, my guiding light. I want a ring that reflects the depth and beauty of our love."

"I understand completely," the jeweler nods, gesturing for me to follow him towards a more secluded corner of the store. "In that case, might I suggest our signature collection? Each piece is one-of-a-kind, crafted with only the finest materials and designed to take the breath away."

He reaches beneath the counter, pulling out a velvet-lined tray that gleams with an array of stunning rings. But one in particular catches my eye - a flawless, cushion-cut diamond set in a delicate band of platinum and rose gold, the intricate metal work reminiscent of lace.

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