Page 121 of When I Was His

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I blinked back the remnants of my nightmare to find Oliver sitting beside me, his expression etched with concern. This was the first time I’d experienced such vivid dreams with him by my side.

"Oh God, I’m sorry," I stammered, my voice thick with residual fear.

"It’s not your fault. Damn Ty. He shouldn’t have upset you," Oliver reassured me, his frustration evident.

"I’m stressed. Lots of changes. New job, quitting my old one, and our engagement. It was bound to happen sooner or later," I rationalized, attempting to downplay the impact of my turmoil.

His brow furrowed. "You were screaming so loud it sounded like you were right next to me. I was in my office," Oliver recounted, a trace of worry lingering in his voice.

I bit my lip, my doubts resurfacing. "You sure you want to marry me?"

"I don’t care about the nightmares. I care about you. Maybe you should see a doctor," Oliver suggested gently, his concern unwavering.

"A shrink? I saw one when I was a child. It wasn’t a pleasant experience," I admitted, memories of past traumas flashing through my mind.

"You’re not a frightened child anymore. You’re an adult. Maybe it would help you get over these things," Oliver reasoned, his voice soothing.

"Would you hold me?" I requested, needing his embrace.

"Of course," Oliver replied, slipping under the sheet and pulling me close. His warmth enveloped me, a comforting presence amidst the turmoil of my thoughts.

"Better?" he asked softly, his fingers tracing soothing circles on my back.

"Much. I hate this. I want to stop," I confessed.

"That’s why I suggested you talk to a therapist," Oliver reminded me, his tone gentle yet firm.

"I’ll think about it. I might have a few more," I conceded, my reluctance still palpable.

"I hope not. That one was so bad I thought you were being killed," Oliver confessed, his admission sending a shiver down my spine.

"Don’t say that," I whispered, the memory of my nightmare still haunting me.

He tightened his hold on me. "Shit. I’m an ass. I’m sorry," Oliver apologized, his remorse genuine.

I changed the subject, eager to shift away from the darkness that lingered in the air. "I told my family about going to your house next weekend."

"Do they want to come?" Oliver inquired, a hint of excitement coloring his tone.

"Yes. My mother is excited. She and Anders usually rent a house in Southampton but not this year. They went to Rhode Island instead," I explained, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"They don’t have to rent anymore. They’re welcome to use my house anytime they like," Oliver offered generously.

"You’re spoiling all of us," I teased, grateful for his generosity.

"It sits vacant most of the time except for the cleaning people. Someone might as well enjoy it," Oliver reasoned.

"Do you have homes anywhere else?" I asked.

“No. New York is my home, and that’s where my residences are. We can buy something elsewhere if you like,” Oliver replied, his tone thoughtful.

“I was thinking somewhere warmer so we can visit in the winter,” I suggested, my mind already drifting to sunnier climes.

“Like where?” Oliver’s curiosity piqued, his gaze meeting mine.

“Orlando. I like Disneyworld,” I confessed, a hint of excitement coloring my voice.

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