Page 106 of When I Was His

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She nodded. I looked at the bedside clock and it read 12:42 AM.


“Do you want me to sleep here?”

“Would you do that for me?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

She clicked out the light and slipped into bed on the other side. Having two nightmares in such a short span of time was not good. It meant that I was stressed. I hoped Sadie next to me would curtail them.

I called in sick the next day. I just didn’t have the energy to put up with Beatrice and her stupid demands. I spent the morning watching game shows and eating cereal from the box by the handful. It was just a lazy day for me.

I finally moved myself and went to take a shower at noon, standing under the water and wishing I was in Oliver’s bathroom instead of mine. He called me at three when I was back on the couch flipping through one of Sadie’s magazines.

Oliver called me full of concern because I had told Vlad I was staying home. I knew he would worry. I finally conceded, telling him I couldn’t work for Beatrice any longer. Each day was a struggle for me to go to work and I didn’t want to feel miserable when I woke up each morning. He laughed as we discussed what my role would be at Fox Asset.

“I’m sure we can fit you somewhere into a department.”

“What would I do without you?”

“Fall apart apparently.”

“Shut up. I just needed a mental health day.”

I didn’t tell him that I wished I could take a mental health day for my two weeks notice so I never had to see Beatrice’s pointy mouse face ever again.

“You have two weeks to deal with your job and you’re done. Can you handle it?”

“I think so. Knowing that the end is near will help make the pill easier to swallow. I’m sure Beatrice is not going to be happy. She’s constantly telling me she chose me over many applicants.”

“Then she should be using your skills and intelligence properly. I’m sure they won’t have a problem finding someone to take your place.”

“I’m sure,” I said dryly.

Oliver changed the subject. “What did you do today?”

I smiled to myself. “Absolutely nothing. I’ve been watching television all day. What have you been doing today?”

“I had three meetings and a tour of a potential piece of property I’m interested in purchasing.”

“Busy man.”

Our conversation was kept light though I wanted to tell him how much I missed him, and I wish he was here with me. I needed his support, but I didn’t want him to feel guilty about being away.

After I hung up with Oliver, I got my laptop and turned it on. Sure enough, an email from the Fox Asset Corporation HR department was sitting in my inbox. I opened it and printed out the pages. I hated filling out paperwork. The offer letter was in a separate email, and I was astonished to find the salary was just under six figures even though a position hadn’t been decided.

I would have to talk to Oliver when he got back because I didn’t want any special favors because I was his girlfriend. I filled out all the paperwork and was scanning it when Sadie walked through the door.

“Did you have a good day?” she asked.

“I needed it. I’m leaving my job, I decided.”

She raised her eyebrows. “You’re quitting?”

“I can’t deal with the bullshit anymore. Oliver offered me a position.”

“At least you’ll still be in the same building. What will you be doing?”

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