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“Still hating it?” Oliver asked, concern etched in his features.

“It’s not what I expected, and it’s only gotten slightly better,” I admitted, feeling the weight of dissatisfaction settle in my chest.

“You know the solution,” Oliver stated simply, his gaze steady on mine.

“I’m not sure if I want to work for you,” I confessed, my hesitation clear in my voice.

“Why?” Oliver asked.

“Because familiarity breeds contempt. We’re together almost every night and you want to be together all day too?” I explained, my concerns bubbling to the surface.

“I could never dislike you. I love you too much,” Oliver declared, his sincerity melting my resolve.

“I’ll think about it,” I relented, surprising both him and myself with my admission.

Oliver raised his eyebrows, clearly taken aback. “Really?”

“Yes. I’m getting close to the end of my rope. If things don’t change, I think I’ll look for a new job,” I affirmed, feeling a sense of liberation in my decision.

“You already have one if you want out,” Oliver reminded me, his offer still open.

“I heard the boss is a really pain in the ass at Fox,” I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

“He is but not if you do him special favors,” Oliver said.

I raised my eyebrows. “I can’t believe you just said that. You know you can be sued for sexual harassment making those types of statements,” I scolded him, though unable to suppress my laughter.

“Then become my fiancée so I don’t end up scandalized,” Oliver suggested, his grin widening.

“All in due time Mr. Fox,” I replied, feeling a rush of warmth at the thought of our future together.

He grinned and pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me. In his embrace, I found solace, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together.

Chapter 13

“Ryleigh, are you almost finished?” Sadie asked.

I was in a horrible mood. I had to sleep alone the night before and for the next few nights because Oliver was in Vancouver for meetings.

“Give me a fucking minute,” I growled.

I heard her retreating and the door to her room slam. Last night she didn’t come home until late after I was in bed. I wanted to have a talk with her about Finley. Neither one had mentioned their relationship to me, and I was annoyed even though it was obvious.

I stormed out of the bathroom, the slamming of the door echoing my frustration. Sadie's shower started soon after, but I couldn't shake the feeling of discontent. My fingers flew over my phone, texting Oliver despite knowing it was the middle of the night where he was. My head wasn’t right today. And with Beatrice's constant berating for my mistakes yesterday, I’m sure I was in for more today.

In my room, I pulled out a simple royal blue dress from my closet, opting for comfort over anything flashy. After slipping on a pair of white cotton underwear and a bra, I felt somewhat more put together. I didn't bother with anything sexy; there would be no seeing Oliver for another three days.

As I entered the kitchen, Sadie was already seated at the breakfast bar, nursing a steaming mug of coffee. Her blunt words cut through the tension like a knife.

“You’re a real bitch today. What’s your problem?” she snapped.

“I’m sorry. I miss Oliver,” I admitted, the frustration still evident in my voice.

“That’s no excuse,” she retorted sharply.

“Well, maybe my excuse should be why my best friend and brother didn’t tell me they were together,” I shot back, feeling the anger bubbling up inside me.

Her expression shifted, a mixture of guilt and defensiveness. “We wanted to tell you. We were going to tell you.”

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