Page 75 of Keep Healing

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“Go, sweetheart. We’ll be okay. We’ll get them out,” Grant told her as he kissed the top of her head, then he ushered her towards the front door. We listened as she slipped out, closing the door almost silently behind her.

“Do you have a gun in the house?” I asked Grant in a whisper.

“Y-yes. A Glock. It’s in a gun safe in the office.”

“Show me,” I ordered. Soloman was unhinged and I was terrified we were running out of time.

Grant moved with a stealth a man his size should not be capable of. He took me down a hall and into an office on the ground floor. He pulled some books from one of the shelves to reveal a small gun safe. He entered the code, then pulled out the gun, handing it to me.

“Shouldn’t we wait for the police?” he asked, obviously terrified for his daughter and his family.

“I don’t think we have time. That fucker wants Evie dead. It’s only a matter of time,” I explained.

“What do we do?”

“You leave just like Keira just did. Wait for the cops and let them know what’s going on. Tell them I’m armed.”

“What are you going to do?” he asked.

“End this.”


“Harris.” I looked across the counter to where he stood. I was shaking like a leaf and fighting for every breath as adrenaline hit me hard and set my heart beating erratically. My eyes moved between Kailan and Aleks, then to Matt, Cole and Livy. I was terrified for all of them. Soloman was there to kill me. I knew that. I had accepted a while ago that he would be my end, but not the others. Not the men I loved and the family I adored. All of my fear was for them in that moment. I knew I would die a hundred times over if he would just let them all walk out safely.

“Just stay still, Ev. Everything’s going to be just fine,” Harris told me, sounding calm but looking far from it.

“Actually I don’t think it is,” Soloman hissed, sounding almost joyous about it.

“You motherfucker!” Matt growled. “You better move that gun off of my sister right the fuck now!” He and Cole both started towards me and towards the gun. They were raging and I was terrified they would just run at Soloman, consequences be damned.

I watched with horror as the gun came past my face and was pointed right at my brothers. I considered trying to disarm him. It was a self-defense move I had worked on with Kyle several times, but Soloman kept his grip on me way too tight for me to be able to move and I was petrified he’d just shoot Matt and Cole if I tried.

“Matt! Cole!” I cried. “Just stop!”

“No!” Livy cried at the same time as she looked to Matt with horror. Cole leapt forward and grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

“Let’s all just calm down. Tell us what you want?” Aleks tried, his voice steady and calm. I could see the way my guys were looking at each other, trying to come up with a way to get us out of this. Their faces were set with tension, their bodies rigid, and their fists bunched. It was clear they were raging too, but there was nothing they could do when Soloman had the gun right on me.

“Move again and she’s dead!” Soloman barked as he returned the gun to my head, then he turned to Aleks. “I already have what I want.”

“Me,” I squeaked.

“You always were smart, even when you were a kid,” Soloman told me. “I didn’t recognize you at first. It had been twenty plus years since your parents sent me packing.”

“They d-didn’t send you away,” I stuttered, my voice trembling as I tried to get the words out. “They wanted y-you to stay but your un-uncle came forward a-and they h-had no choice.”

“There’s always a choice!” he roared, scaring the life from me. My adrenaline was surging even more now, making every part of me shake and my heart pound even harder and faster. “I tried to let you go. I gave you the rules and I let you go. You chose to break those rules and now you have to face the consequences.”

“Why? I asked weakly. “Why d-did you l-let me go?”

“The only time in my whole life I was happy was right here in this house. I…I liked Keira and Grant. They were good to me, until they cast me aside. Once I knew who you were, all I could see was the little kid I once knew. I wanted to let you live. I tried, but you messed it all up! You’re so fucking stupid!” His rage increased and he slammed the butt of the gun into my head so hard I thought I was going to black out, but he held me up.

“You fucker!” Kailan growled furiously as Harris and Aleks started to look like they were going to lunge. “You’re a dead man!”

My head cleared a little, but my ear was ringing loudly and I would not be upright if Soloman wasn’t gripping me so tight.

“You first,” Soloman sneered as he pointed the gun at Kailan.

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