Page 72 of Keep Healing

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Finally his hand slid lower, and his kisses moved to my neck, driving me wild as goose bumps erupted down my arms. He found my center and he didn’t waste any time, going right to that little bundle that was so needy and frantic for his touch.

“Harris!” I cried as his thumb brushed over it just the way I liked it. After all of these years he remembered exactly how I liked to be touched.

“How’s that, beautiful?” he asked as he looked up to me from where he had his mouth over my nipple.

“So good. Don’t stop!” I cried, not caring who heard me in that wanton moment.

He pushed two fingers inside of me as his thumb continued to toy with me and in seconds I was gasping his name over and over as my orgasm crashed over me so hard I saw spots. It was several minutes before I came back down to earth enough to open my eyes and when I did, I couldn’t help but smile. Harris was laid out beside me, his head resting on his elbow as he just watched me with the hint of a smile.

“I forgot how perfect you look when you come,” he told me as he ran his index finger down between my breasts and to my stomach.

“Yeah, yeah,” I laughed. “I bet I look all goofy.”

“You look beautiful, Ev. You look peaceful. That means so much more to me now than it did before. It’s a rare sight nowadays,” he told me and I knew that was true. Peace was hard to find when Hell and torture were constantly playing out in your head.

“Well, I could definitely use some more peace,” I told him as I sat up and swung my leg over his hips. He laid flat on his back and I settled on top of him, my hands braced on his chest.

“You sure about this, sweetheart?” he asked as he looked up at me and ran his hands sensually down my arms.

“Yes. So sure. I love you Harris. I want this. I want us,” I told him confidently. I leant forward and gave him a peck on the lips. “Do you have a condom?” I asked. I certainly didn’t have any, but I would seriously need to think about buying some or getting on a contraceptive now I had four boyfriends.

“Check the nightstand. If I know Asher he has them in every room,” Harris chuckled.

“He’s a player?” I asked with surprise.

“Oh yeah. He always was. He’s terrified of commitment so he brings a different girl home each time.” I was shocked. He didn’t seem like that kind of guys at all when I met him. He just seemed too prim and proper for that.

I leaned over to open the nightstand drawer and, sure enough, it was filled with condoms and nothing else. I tried not to think about how many women had had sex in that very bed as I sat back up and ripped the packet open.

Harris grabbed the disk from the open packet and slid it down his long length as I put the wrapper on the nightstand, not wanting to make a mess in a place that wasn’t mine.

“You good up there?” Harris asked when I looked down at him. “We can switch if you feel more comfortable.”

In answer I moved position and slowly lowered myself down over his length. He was big – hell, they all were!- and he filled me so snugly as I very slowly slid back down to sitting, unable to contain my moans of delight as I did so. He just felt so good inside me. I’d forgotten what sex with him was like. I realized I’d probably blocked it out so the lame sex I had with Dean didn’t seem quite as pathetic as it was.

“Hey, eyes on me,” Harris said as my mind started to wander where it really shouldn’t. “Stay right here with me, okay?” he added.


“We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready, sweetheart.”

“I’m ready. So ready,” I assured him. I lowered down enough to kiss him hard and fast, wanting him to know for sure I had no doubt about what was happening.

I started to move up and down, but I wasn’t getting the angle I needed, so I sat up again and braced my hands on his solid chest. We both moaned as the sensation increased in the new position and I started to speed up, moving faster and faster as he ran his hands over my body. I was chasing my orgasm so desperate to crash over that edge again, and yet never wanting this perfect moment with the man I loved to end. It was like we were moving in seamless synchronicity, the both of us just fitting together so perfectly. As I got closer I forgot where I ended and he began. I didn’t care. I just wanted to cling to him as we crashed over that edge together. It was like coming home.

I cried out over and over again as my orgasm hit me, and at the exact same time Harris cried out too. I rode the waves of bliss as he led me down to lay across his chest, then I just clung to him as I gasped for breath and floated in that peace he had talked of before.

“I love you,” I whispered as I lifted my head and met his beautiful eyes. We were a sweaty tangled mess, but nothing had ever felt more perfect.

“I love you too, so damn much,” he told me. I couldn’t stop smiling as I lay my head back on his sweaty chest and closed my eyes. I didn’t want to move, ever. I was in heaven right where I was.



“This is so good, Matt. Thank you for making it for me,” I told my brother. It was two days since my perfect night with Harris and we were back at my mom and dad’s for dinner. Matt had made his famous chicken broth for me, since I was still having trouble eating, anxiety tying my stomach in knots for the most part.

The FBI had no leads on Soloman so far. It was like he had disappeared from the face of the earth and any info they, or my guys found on him, ultimately led nowhere. They were no closer to stopping him, but on the plus side they had no new missing persons they thought Soloman could have grabbed and all had been quiet for me and my family. I had started to think Harris had been right about Soloman fleeing far away, but that wasn’t exactly reassuring. I wanted him caught, or dead. I didn’t want to live my life terrified that the monster of my nightmares was still free to continue killing, constantly looking over my shoulder worried that he may come back for me one day.

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