Page 58 of Keep Healing

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“Better see what we can do about that then, huh?” he teased as his hand smoothed down my body until his fingers found my desperate core. His fingers worked me deftly, touching exactly where I had been crying out for his touch. I was a writhing, moaning mess, completely lost to his magic touch as he skillfully brought me to the brink.

“Nick, I want you…..please. I want you inside me.” I gasped. I was breathless and dizzy, teetering so close to getting exactly what my body was begging for, but I needed Nick closer. I needed to be able to cling to him as we both went over that edge together.

“Fuck, baby. You trying to kill me?” he gasped as he rose on onto his knees and grabbed the condom, tearing it open and rolling it on as quickly as he could.

“I’ll go slow to start with, “ he told me as his eyes locked with mine. I nodded and lay gasping as he lined up with my core and then slid into me gently. He moved slowly and cautiously at first, just as he’d promised, pushing forward little by little, his eyes never once leaving mine.

I reached for him and he leaned forward, resting his weight on his hands as I snaked my arms around his neck.

“More Nick,” I whispered, and he obliged, picking up the pace of his movements as his lips found mine. I clung to him tight as we kissed passionately, his movements never stopping. In moments I was lost to pleasure, the stretch I felt at how much he filled me, only adding to the amazing feelings bubbling within me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist in a bid to feel him even deeper and harder inside of me, and it worked as I was once again getting closer and closer to that edge I was so desperate to crash over.

“Oh God! Nick!” I cried as I got closer and closer, the feeling within me building to a level I wasn’t sure I could even handle. I wanted more, and yet it was also too much. And then Nick altered his position just slightly and it was all it took to send me careening right off of that edge and into the abyss of pure pleasure.

I cried out his name as I clung onto him, scared that if I let him go I’d float off somewhere and never return to earth again.

I heard Nick cry out quietly and knew he’d reached his own edge as his movements slowed and then stopped.

We were a mass of tangled limbs and gasping breaths as we lay clinging to each other and coming down from the amazing high.

It took several minutes for me to catch my breath, but when I did I lifted my head and kissed Nick’s cheek, which was the only part I could get to with his face pressed into my shoulder.

“I love you so much,” I told him.

“Love you too, so fucking much,” he returned, then he lifted his head and the weight of his body from me a little as he looked me over. “You okay?”

“Perfect,” I smiled. “I think I found a good way to relax.”

“Anytime, babe. My door is always open,” he teased with a wink. He gently kissed my forehead before pulling out of me and standing.

“Be back in a minute.” I watched as he headed for the ensuite, presumably to deal with the condom. I stretched out, really feeling more relaxed than I had in days. Nick returned and laid out beside me on his back. He pulled me tight into his side and I happily curled into him, my head on his chest.

We didn’t speak as we just held each other. We didn’t need to. What we had just shared had said so much and I was just content to lie there and be held, knowing I was loved and safe.



I sat up on the edge of the bed and grabbed Nick’s cell to check the time. Four A.M. Nick was out cold and snoring beside me, but I just couldn’t seem to settle enough to sleep. I checked the monitor screen and smiled when I found Zack laid out like a starfish in his cot in the room next door. He looked so peaceful and settled.

Knowing there was no way I was going to sleep anymore I got up and slipped quietly from the room, taking Nick’s cell with me so I’d hear Zack when he started to stir. Nick could have a lie in. He definitely deserved it. He had been up early every morning with Zack for the last week.

I was headed for the kitchen to make more tea, but paused when I got to the foot of the stairs. I could hear a strange sound and it was nothing good, illustrated by the hairs on my arms standing on end instantly.

I froze in place and listened more intently. I followed the sound all of the way to the office on the other side of the house, but I wished I hadn’t when I was close enough to clearly make out what the sound was.

I slammed my free hand over my mouth as I stood frozen in place. I could hear the splashing of water, then spluttering and coughing, followed by my own cries. I knew those sounds. They haunted me when I was both awake and asleep. Then I slammed my hands over my ears as the quiet, choked cries turned to high pitched, terrorized screams. My screams. Screams of agony and terror I had never imagined possible before Soloman took me.

I crept forward towards the office, needing to know what the hell was going on, despite how badly I was shaking. The door was open a crack, and when I peeked in, I was horrified to see the back of Kyle, sat in a chair before the desk, a laptop open on his lap and on the screen was me, in my underwear, being tortured by that monster, tied down to a table and screaming in utter agony.

Tears filled my eyes as I backed away, unable to see anymore. My hands shook so hard I dropped Nick’s cell to the floor, causing a bang that had Kyle turning to look at me.

“Evie,” he gasped, but I was already gone, running for the safety I knew I would find with my guys. Kyle was right behind me, calling for me as I sprinted up the stairs and crashed into my room, slamming the door closed behind me so hard Harris ad Aleks leapt awake.

“Evie? What’s going on, sweetheart?” Harris asked as he jumped up from the camp bed and came right to me. The door behind me was pushed open violently, and would have knocked me flying to my hands and knees, if Harris hadn’t have caught me so quickly.

“D-don’t l-let him in….pl-please Harris…I c-can’t,” I whimpered through my sobs as I clung to him.

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