Page 48 of Keep Healing

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“I don’t know how we’ll ever thank you for taking care of Evie. Knowing you were with her after she called us was all that kept us from crossing the country to see her,” dad added.

“I think it’s more like she’s been taking care of all of us,” Harris chuckled. “Can we get into the cars? I’d like to get Evie out of the open.”

“Oh yes! Of course. I never even considered we’re so open here,” Dad gasped as he pulled me into his side protectively and held me tightly.

“I need to thank Asher and Eli before we leave,” I said as I looked to where they were chatting with my brothers and Kailan beside the plane. Nick and Kailan were working together to get snacks out of the backpack we had filled with everything Zack would need before we left Denver. “I’ll just be a minute,” I added as I looked to my dad, needing him to release me from his hold.

When he reluctantly let me go I hurried over to where everyone else was congregated. Asher and Eli had flown to Chicago with us, then they’d go onwards to New York to be with their gravely ill father. I hadn’t spoken with them much, but I had seen enough to know they seemed like good, genuine guys and I was so grateful to them for getting us all to Chicago safely.

“Guys let’s start getting in the cars. We’re way too open out here,” Harris told them all, his worry barely disguised. I smiled at my brothers as I passed them, but judging by Harri’s increasing worry, we didn’t have time to hug and greet each other. Instead I bypassed them and went to Eli and Asher.

“Everything okay, Evie?” Eli asked.

“Yes. I just wanted to thank you both for all you’ve done,” I told them with a smile. “Thank you for taking care of the guys and for getting us all here.”

“Of course,” Asher nodded. “It was a pleasure. If you need anything else, then don’t hesitate to call us.” He pulled a business card from the pocket of his jeans and handed it to me. When I took it, he wrapped his hand around mine and squeezed it as he went on, “I mean that, Evie. Anything at all, you only have to call.”

“Th-thank you,” I replied, a little taken aback by how much he seemed to mean those words.

“And see if you can make those men of yours call us a little more often, okay? We’re family.”

“I will,” I promised as I put the business card into my pocket.

“Come on, sweetheart. We need to go,” Harris said as he appeared at my side. He shook hands briefly with Asher and Eli, then he was ushering me to the closest car, his head on a swivel the whole time.

I climbed into the back seat beside Kailan. Kyle was up front driving and Kade was beside him.

“Hey guys,” I greeted them both as I leaned forward and wrapped an arm around each of their necks. “Sorry about all the drama.”

“We’re just glad to have you home in one piece,” Kade told me as he patted my hand.

“Be even more glad when we get you out of here and safe at mom and dad’s,” Kyle grumbled.

“We’re staying at mom and dad’s? Isn’t your place safer?” I asked as I sat back and pulled on my seatbelt.

“It was, until that fucker hacked our system and got on the property. Now we’re all staying at mom and dad’s until we can update our security system,” Kade explained.

“We have three of our guys patrolling the grounds at all times, and I updated mom and dad’s security. It’s safe,” Kyle added.

“Maybe we should scale that back. We don’t want it to be too safe, otherwise he won’t dare come for me,” I pointed out.

“Evie,” Harris started, but was cut off.

“What the fuck are you talking about? The whole point is to stop him from coming for you,” Kyle growled.

“No,” I shook my head. “I’m done hiding. I want him to come for me this time. I need this thing to be over.”

“If you think you’re here as bait, you can fucking forget it, Evie,” Kade snapped angrily.

“We talked about this, darlin’,” Kailan said as he took my hand in his. “We’re not using you to lure the fucker out. We all agreed on that.”

“It’s the only way!” I snapped angrily. “He’ll come for me; we know that. Using me is the only way to end this.”

“No, it’s not, and even if it was, we wouldn’t be doing it,” Kyle threw back, sounding angry.


“No! I don’t want to hear it. Don’t bring it up again because it will never fucking happen. We already almost lost you. We are not going to risk that again.” Kyle’s knuckles were white, he gripped the steering wheel so hard as he spoke.

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