Page 47 of Keep Healing

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“Could that happen?” I asked as I swiped at my tears and looked to Asher.

“There was an attempt. They tried to take my brother from the underground lot of our New York offices, but I was able to get to him before they could. That’s why we have the security now, just in case. Just some of the baggage that comes with my father’s legacy,” he shrugged. “Anyway, back to the issue at hand. What do you guys want to do? The jet is fueled and ready to take you wherever you want to go.”

“We’re going to Chicago,” I said confidently as I looked to Harris.

“Fine. Chicago,” he agreed. “But you do everything we say, Ev. We’re not taking any chances with your safety. You hear me?”

“Agreed,” I nodded. I didn’t want to take any chances with my safety either, not unless that was what it came down to.



To say Asher and Eli’s company jet was luxurious was a serious understatement. Our trip back to Chicago had been one of opulence, and we had been offered every refreshment you could imagine by the on board hostess, but we had all been too nervous to take much note of any of it. We were taking a huge risk going to where Soloman had already made his presence very known and we all knew it, but I just didn’t see what other choice we had. The only way to stop him was to lure him out and I was so done with hiding.

The jet landed at the private runway just outside of the city in the early evening. Through the window I could see the sun just beginning to set, and four of my brothers getting out of the dark SUV I knew was Kade’s. Behind them were two other SUV’S with the lights on and the engines running, and I knew my brothers had brought back up from their security company.

We had called them just before we boarded the plane to let them know we were coming back, using the burner cells that Soloman was hopefully unable to hack, or whatever he had been doing to follow me.

“You ready for this, kochanie?” Aleks asked. I was sat beside him on the plane, my hand clutched in his, the entire way as I fought not to freak out about what we were doing because of me. I was terrified I was making a huge mistake.

“No, but we have to do it anyway,” I told him with a shrug.

“It’s all going to be okay. We’ll make sure of it,” he told me as he placed a kiss on the top of my head.

“Come on guys. I want us in the cars and behind secure gates as soon as possible,” Harris said as he got to his feet and beckoned us all to follow. Nick stood with a flailing Zack in his arms to follow. Kailan grabbed my hand from where he had been sat opposite us, and pulled me to my feet.

“We can get decent pizza delivered to your place, right darlin’? I’m starving here,” he groaned as he pulled me in front of him, then wrapped his arms around me as we started after Harris and Nick.

“If you’re lucky, Matt will have cooked something,” I assured him as I looked behind us for Aleks, who was following with his laptop bag clutched to his chest.

“Ooh. I forgot about that. That guy can cook,” Kailan said as we reached the top of the steps and started towards the tarmac.

I got halfway down before I glanced up to my brothers and saw who I really needed right then.

“DAD!” I cried as tears filled my eyes. I fled from Kailan’s grip and leapt down the rest of the steps until I found myself wrapped in the huge strong arms that had been there to comfort me through my entire life.

I clung to him tightly, wrapping my arms around his waist as much as I could and grabbing handfuls of his wool coat, my face pressed into his soft sweater as I just cried – a mix of happy tears, exhaustion, and terror.

My Dad felt and smelled just as I had remembered so many times when I was alone and scared, so desperate to have him hold me exactly the way he was in that moment. He towered over me and surrounded me with strength.

“Thank God,” I heard my Dad whisper as he held me.

“Dad,” I whimpered as more tears came and still I just clung to him.

“I’ve got you now, sweetie. You let it all out,” he told me. So I did. I cried out every single time I had lay cold, alone, and terrified, wishing for my dad to just hold me and carry me away. I cried out all I had been through since the last time I was with him and I cried out all of my gratitude for the fact I was there to hold him once again, my thankfulness that somehow I got to survive and be with the people I loved once again. I cried and cried until I had completely exhausted myself, and the whole time my dad just held me.

“I m-missed you s-so much,” I sniffled when I was calm enough to release him and look up to meet his eyes. He had aged since I last saw him, his hair greyer and a few new wrinkles around his eyes.

“We thought we’d lost you. We were so scared,” he told me.

“Evie?” I turned at the sound of my name and found Harris behind me, looking worried. “You okay, sweetheart?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I swiped at my eyes and smiled. “I’m okay.”

“Good to see you again, son,” Dad said as he held his hand out for Harris to shake.

“You too, sir.” Harris shook his hand.

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