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“Hey, Dyl. I was just showing Coral my recent painting. Do you want to show her your artwork?”

“You paint, too?” She whips her head around to face him.

“No, I draw.”

“Oh! Well, I’d love to see some of your work. If you’re comfortable with sharing it.”

“Sure.” He runs to his room and comes back moments later with a full folder of drawings.

“Wow. These are really great, Dyl. I am honestly blown away. I had no idea you could do this!”

He doesn’t say anything, but I urge him to with my eyes.


When Dylan makes his escape to the bathroom, she holds the one up that is very clearly Mina, Mae’s daughter. “Is this?”

“Yeah. I think you’re looking at the very reason that he’s been so distant and sad. He got spooked by his feelings for her and acted out.”

“You stupid boys never learn.” She puts the drawing back into the folder.

“I know. That’s what I told him.”

“So, why doesn’t he just apologize?”

“I don’t think he knows how to. Especially since our cellphones aren’t working.”

“Is this his first little crush?”

“The first one he’s told me about, at least.”

She lightly claps her hands. “That’s so exciting.”

“It is. But also, terrifying,” I admit.

“Yeah, it’s a whole new ball game when the youngsters start dating.”

“How’d you handle it with Jerad?”

“We just sat him down and explained the importance of acting like a gentleman around girls.”

“We’ve already had that talk.”

“And I assume you’ve had the other talk as well?”

“Yes, of course. That bird sailed many years ago after he watched American Pie at a friend’s house without my knowledge.”

Chuckling, Coral says: “Well, then I don’t think you have much to worry about, Dean. You just have to trust that you raised him right.”

I laugh out loud.


“No, it’s just funny Coral. I was just talking to Mae about this. The difference between raising a teenage boy and girl, I mean.”

“Oh, goodness. It’s so much harder with the girls.”

“That’s what she said. Of course she really doesn’t personally have that comparison.”

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