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“Yeah,” he sighed, looking down at his hands. “Hey, you comin’ out for Hayes’s birthday tonight?”

“Of course. Wouldn’t miss it. And what I mean by ‘wouldn’t miss it’ is that if I did miss it, Ty would never, ever shut up about it. So, yup. Already mentally preparing for it.” She got up from the bed. “I’ll see you later then?”

“Yeah, definitely.” As he watched her walk out of his room, he realized there wasn’t a chance in hell he would ever fully get over that woman.

Not a fucking chance in hell.

He was certain it wouldn’t be with her, but he knew right then and there that no matter who he eventually ended up with, she would always be his gold standard.

Ty's 21st Birthday (33)

“So, where we going, anyway?” Ryan asked, having just gotten out of the showers and beginning to get dressed at his stall. Even though they’d lost, it’d been a great welcome-back game for him: plus four, no stupid penalties, and Coach Reilly complimented him on his speed, on which he’d been working to improve to the point of exhaustion.

“Hayes wants to check out Excel,” Kasic told him.

Ryan gulped. “Great.”

“What? Not a fan?”

“It’s…fine. Just some memories there I’d rather not have.”

“Well, that’s where the birthday boy picked. Hey, you looked great tonight, man. You’ve been working on your speed, eh? Definitely shows, kid.”

“Thanks. Had nothing but time out in Worcester. You know they scratched me every single game? Such bullshit.”

“Oh, tell me about it. I told you, happened to me, too. Sellars is a fuckin’ dickhead, for real. ‘Jonathan,’” he began in a mocking tone, “‘this is a professional organization, and this type of behavior is highly frowned upon.’ Yeah? How ‘bout you frown upon deez nuts?”

“That’s actually pretty spot on, man. So, why’d you get sent?” Ryan asked, then realized maybe he was overstepping. “I mean, you don’t have to tell me.”

“Nah, it’s good.” He looked around, making sure no one was within earshot, then leaned into Ryan and spoke softly. “It’s not, like, common knowledge, so just keep it on the DL. But you know how Nick’s the athletic trainer?”


“Well, he’s new. The old one quit halfway through the season last year after finding out that I banged his daughter and her friend at a party. They told me they were 21. Turns out, they were more like 17. He had a fuckin’ fit, understandably, and came after me. I tried reasoning with him, apologizing, but he wouldn’t stop. So, I ended up beating the shit outta him. Only a few of the other guys know about it.” He shook his head, sitting down to put on his shoes. “It’s always somethin’ in this locker room, Baylor. You’ll figure that out if you haven’t already. Hastings is a saint, for real. I’d have fuckin’ murdered us all, hid the bodies, and started over by now.”

At that moment, Hayes came bounding through, a bottle of Canadian whisky in one hand and one of the coaches’ bullhorns in the other. “Bus leaves in 10 minutes, bitches!” he yelled.

“You don’t need to yell into a bullhorn, you fuckin’ idiot,” Seggy complained.

“And you,” Hayes spoke into it in a normal tone, “don’t need to fuck your teammates’ fiancés.”

“If it wasn’t your birthday, I’d kick your ass, you mouthy little shit!”

“You ain’t gonna do shit, bitch!” Hayes turned the bullhorn off and put it down next to Ryan’s stall. “You ready, Rook? Gonna be a wild fuckin’ night. Got a party bus, reserved a spot in the VIP lounge with full bottle service.”

“Damn. Went all out, huh?”

“Yup. Figured what better way to spend those paychecks from the two NHL games. I mean, that and payin’ my mom’s mortgage for three months.”

Ryan smiled. “You’re a good dude, Hayes.”

“Fuckin’ right I am. Can’t take it with you when you’re dead, eh?” He took a swig out of the bottle and pulled out his phone. “So, Mar’s gonna meet us there. I think she’s bringin’…”

Ryan had an instant hot flash.

“…that chick Dani from her work. The gray-haired bitch with the huge cans? I swear, I’d hook up with her just to get my face in between those fuckin’ things.” Hayes offered the bottle to Ryan, who took it and immediately began chugging. “Yo, slow down, killer,” Hayes said, snatching it back. “This is my night to get carried back to my apartment, not yours. Come on, let’s get outta here.”


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