Page 72 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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Four things you can hear….

Why was he so usable?

Three things you can touch…

Why didn’t anyone want to get to know him for anything more than sex?

Two things you can taste…

Why wasn’t he worthy of being cared for or loved?

One thing you can smell…


“Stop it. Right now,” he told himself aloud, wiping the tears from his cheeks bitterly. “You know who you belong to.”

He jumped slightly as Koski knocked lightly on the door. “Baylor?”

He had no idea how long. he’d even been sitting here.

“Yeah?” he replied.

“I, uh…your phone is blowing up, man. I don’t…I didn’t look, but like, it won’t stop.”

“OK,” he said, getting his shit together and opening the door. Koski was standing there and handed him his phone. He looked at the screen; there were eight missed calls and two voicemails from White Oaks Rehabilitation Center, along with six texts from Amara.


He opened the text thread from Mar and his stomach sank.

A: Ry. Call me as soon as you get this.

A: White Oaks called. They don’t know where Ty is.

A: Ryan? Ty left. They can’t find him. Please call me.

“Everything is OK?” Koski asked cautiously, as Ryan shook his head.

“No. Hey, can we head back? I think…I think I’ve got a problem.”

“Of course. Let me know how I can help.”

“Thanks, man.”

So Good, So Good (22)

Ryan had tried several times to get a hold of Hayes, but his phone kept going to voicemail and every text had gone unanswered, which meant it most likely was still at the facility. Ryan had called White Oaks to speak with Dr. Rosa, as she was the one who’d contacted Amara.

“How the fuck did he just leave?”

“Because he’s a grown man, Ryan. This isn't a prison. Being here is voluntary. He didn’t attend his afternoon session and when we checked the rest of the facility for him, he wasn’t there. I called Ms. McDonough because she was listed as one of his emergency contacts right after you.”

“No one saw him leave? He didn’t say anything to anyone?”

“Not a word. Ryan, I don’t know what this means for him and the league, so…if you get a hold of him, make sure he gets back here. Maybe this can be his one screw up. Just make sure he comes back. He really is making great progress and I’d hate to see him throw it all away.”

It was a little after 9 p.m. and the boat was just pulling up to Jake and Mar’s. Koski got close enough so that Ryan could step off without him having to dock.

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