Page 73 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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They’d done enough of that for one day.

“Text me when you find him, Baylor. I am worried for you.” Koski called to Ryan, who was checking his phone again.

“I will. Thanks again, man,” he called back to him, turning and heading down the dock, using his phone flashlight so he could see. There were dim lights along the edges, but it wasn’t exactly well-lit.

It was at that moment that Ryan thought he was losing his mind because he could’ve sworn he heard someone whisper, “Rook.”

He shook his head and kept walking, damn-near jumping out of his skin when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Jesus Murphy!” Ryan screamed, whipping around so quickly and off-balance that his phone slipped out of his hand, bounced along the boards, and landed in the water with a pathetic plop. He watched, heart-racing, as the light from the flashlight slowly disappeared. “Son. Of. A. Bitch.”

“Sorry, Rook.” There stood Hayes, black hoodie pulled up over his head. “That fuckin’ sucks.”

“Why? How? What?” Ryan tried to form a sentence, but he was so pissed that the words wouldn’t coagulate. “Hayes. What…the fuck…are you doing here?”

He pulled his hood off. “I needed to see you.”

“You can’t see me right now, Hayes! You…you snuck out of fucking rehab?

Hayes moved in closer to Ryan. “I knew you were goin’ out with him and I couldn’t stop thinkin’ about it. It’s been tearin’ me up all day. Did you have fun?”

Ryan rolled his eyes. “Don’t do that…”

“Did you have fun, Rook? Did you hook up with him?”

“You don’t get to do that!” Ryan yelled. “You don’t get to ask those questions. We’re not together right now. At least I can say that.”

“So, you did hook up with him?”

“Yes, Hayes. I…fuckin’ hooked up with him. He sucked my dick and then fucked me. Is that what you wanna hear?”

“Did it feel good?”

“Fuck this,” Ryan muttered, turning to walk away.

“Rook.” Hayes grabbed him by the back of his shirt, spinning him to face him, and before Ryan had any idea what was happening, their mouths were pressed together, hands caressing each other’s faces as they both wept. “I’m…fuckin’ dyin’…without you, Rook,” Hayes cried between planting kisses against Ryan’s lips. “I miss you.”

Ryan kissed him back, sliding his fingers around the back of his head, down his back, and pulling him in for a hug. “I…miss you, too…so much.”

Hayes wrapped his arms around Ryan and squeezed, holding onto him as though the two had all the time in the world. “I don’t want you out there with someone else,” he whispered, his head resting on Ryan’s shoulder. “I want you with me. You belong with me, Rook.”

Ryan nodded, unable to let go of him.

“He at least fuck you good?” Hayes asked desperately, not wanting to hear the answer, but needing to.

“Yeah. He did. Really good. I came twice. But the only thing I could think about was you. So, there’s that.”

Hayes broke away, sighing loudly as he pulled back from Ryan. He grabbed both his hands and held onto them, with Ryan allowing it. “So, I don’t,” Hayes said, dropping down onto one knee, “have a ring or anything, but…will you fuckin’ marry me, Ryan? Please. I’ll spend the rest of my life provin’ to you that I’m worth it.”

Ryan looked down at him, hardly able to make out his face on the dimly lit dock, half-smiling at the fact that of course Hayes’s marriage proposal had included an F-bomb. How could it not? “Hayes? Get up,” he ordered, pulling him back to his feet and then dropping his hands.

“You didn’t say no and you didn’t tell me to fuck off. I’m takin’ it as a…”

Ryan grabbed the sides of Hayes’s face and pressed his forehead against his. “You don’t have to prove that you’re worth it. Ever. There is no one who’s more worth it than you. Do you even understand how hopelessly in love I am with you? I’ve been running around trying to convince myself that I can move on from you, from us, but…” He paused, as a few tears slipped down his cheek. “I can’t.”

“Then don’t.”

“You broke my heart.”

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