Page 58 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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Neither of them said a word.

For a while.

Finally, she broke the silence. “You fucked up, Tyler.”

He kept his eyes on hers. “I know that.”

“Do you know what Ry’s been going through? Do you understand the pain that man is feeling? Do you…”

“Yes, Mar. I know…”

“Don’t you dare interrupt me!” she yelled, cutting him off and waddling toward him, the sight of which caused him to smirk, something he quickly regretted. “And what the hell is funny right now?”

“You’re just…fuckin’ huge, babe. That’s all. You’re beautiful though, really. You’ve…Mar, you’ve never looked more beautiful.”

“Don’t kiss my ass!” she spat, reaching out, grabbing him by his sweatshirt collar, and pulling him close to her. He immediately dropped his head onto her shoulder and she felt him begin to shake as he wept freely onto it. “Good,” she cried. “You deserve to cry. You need to…feel like shit and remember this…so it never happens again.”

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I never meant to hurt him. Or you.”

They broke away from each other and she motioned that she wanted to sit down on the front steps. He held her hand as she lowered herself, sitting down carefully next to her, their legs touching slightly. “You know what he’s most worried about?” she said quietly, keeping hold of his hand.

“What’s that?”

“You and TK. He thinks you’re cheating with him.”

Hayes nodded slowly.

“Are you cheating with him?” she asked bluntly.

Hayes didn’t answer.

“Tyler. Are you cheating with him?”

“Actively cheating? No. But…somethin’ kinda…happened.”

She yanked her hand away, disgusted. “Oh. My God.”

“It was just one time, and I was…”

“I don’t wanna hear it.”

“Mar, I was fucked up on heroin and I hallucinated. I thought…I thought I was…I thought I was in bed with Rook…”

She scoffed, shaking her head. “There are so many problems with what you just said, Tyler. And heroin? You’re doing heroin now?”

“I’m not doin’ heroin. I did it once. The night he got traded, I couldn’t…Mar, I wanted to fuckin’ die.”

“Jesus Christ, Ty. You cheated on him the night he got traded? The body wasn’t even cold yet.”

“I didn’t cheat. I mean, technically, yes, but I didn’t…I wasn’t…” He paused, dropping his head and smacking himself in the forehead a few times. “Fuck. It was an…accident.”

“An accident? Tripped, fell, and landed on it, did you? Accident. That’s the story you’re gonna go with?” She shook her head. “How could you, Ty? You’re his entire fucking world. Do you even…” she teared up, trying to hold it back. “Do you even understand what he went through, what we went through, just to get him to a place where he could be in a committed relationship? He’s worked so damn hard on himself, and he loves you so damn much. You’re gonna destroy him. You know that, right?”

“I know that. Of course I know that. Which is why I wasn’t gonna…I mean, I wasn’t gonna…tell him.”

“Who the fuck are you?” she yelled, attempting, unsuccessfully, to stand up. Hayes got up and grabbed her hands, pulling her to her feet. He winced slightly, but thankfully the oxys were keeping him from feeling too much pain. She slapped his hands away. “Who even are you anymore?”

“Who the fuck am I?” he snapped. “You’ve got some nerve there, babe. You ever tell your man about that?” He pointed at her bump.

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