Page 36 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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The “rock bottom” he’d always heard people talk about?

He was pretty sure this was it.

Having just been seconds away from what would’ve probably been the most mind-blowing orgasm of his life, he instead found himself running to the bathroom to puke his guts up.

After a few minutes, he heard light tapping against the door frame. “Ty?”

Hayes lowered his forehead onto his arm and rested it against the seat at the sound of TK’s voice. “Go away,” he mumbled, silently trying to will away the massive boner he still had from being edged.

“I…I can do that. I, uh, just wanted to check on you, make sure you’re feelin’ OK. And…here,” he said, nudging him lightly on the back with a bottle of water. “Make sure you drink lots of fluids.”

Hayes didn’t move.

“I’ll leave. OK? I’m just gonna go get my shit and head out. You call me if you need anything.”

As TK turned to leave, Hayes lifted his head. “Wait,” he called quietly. “You don’t…you don’t have to go.” He flipped so his back was leaning against the vanity, plunked his head onto it, and exhaled loudly, wiping his mouth with his arm.

TK sat on the floor next to him, careful to keep enough distance as he didn’t know where his friend’s head was at after what just happened. “OK. I’ll stay then.”

“I didn’t…I didn’t mean for that to happen,” Hayes cried, tears streaming down his face from his closed eyes.

“I know. And just so you know, I didn’t…I mean, you initiated it. I just don’t want you to think, like, I…took advantage of you or some shit. I don’t…I don’t do that shit.”

“I thought you were him. I fuckin’ swear, man. In my head, it was me and him. We were together again. It was like he never left. And then, all of a sudden, it…wasn’t. It wasn’t him.”

“Um, the dream state gets pretty wild. Like, you’re aware of what’s going on around you, but your mind interprets it however it wants. Were you trying to talk to Ryan, but couldn’t?”

Hayes nodded.

“Yeah, you were babbling and making no sense. I kept trying to talk to you, keep you with me, but you were noddin’ pretty hard. The dreams are wild, man, especially that first high.”

“And you didn’t think to maybe warn a brother?”

TK smirked. “Sorry, man. I didn’t expect…all that to happen.”

Hayes scoffed. “Yeah, tell me about it.”

“I, uh, I definitely didn’t hate it though,” TK said quietly, picking at his fingers in his lap. “But I get it. You’re with him and it can’t happen again. It won’t, OK?”

“Yeah, well. I doubt we’ll be together much longer once he finds this bullshit out. Fuck, Trav. I’m not…I don’t cheat. I’m not a cheater. I can’t fuckin’ believe this happened. I’d die before I hurt Rook. I’d literally choose death.”

“Hey?” TK rested a hand tentatively on Hayes’s shoulder. “There’s nothing for him to find out. Nothing happened, OK? Nothing. Happened.” He squeezed and patted him. “Ryan doesn’t need to know anything. And I won’t say shit. I promise.”

“Teek, I have to tell him.”

“Why? You think I’m actually worth losing him over?”


“Seriously, baby. You…I mean, you thought it was him. You were high as fuck. Hallucinating. You’d never have done that if you weren’t. I know you, Ty Hayes. You love that pretty boy too much. And side note: he’s really lucky because holy fuck, you’ve got a beautiful cock. Like, it should win an award. But seriously: nothing happened. OK?”

Hayes didn’t look at him.

“Hey: let me know you understand. Nothing happened. There’s nothing Ryan needs to know. It was one little fuck up. You’re allowed that, man. You understand?”

Hayes looked up and nodded sadly. “My stomach is fuckin’ killin’ me.”

TK shoved the water bottle toward him. “Drink. I told you, you need to drink, baby.”

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