Page 33 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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“Be careful, Hayes. You wanna lose your career? Your reputation? You wanna lose Ryan?”

Hayes rolled his eyes and scoffed. “My reputation’s been a nightmare since I can remember. And I…already lost Ryan, so there’s that.”

“You two break up?”

“Nah, but he fuckin’ left. He’s gone, man. He’ll find someone else within a matter of minutes and I’ll be left to fend for my fuckin’ self just like I always am.”

“Hayes, that’s literally the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. You love him. And he’s crazy about you. You know that.”

“Yeah? And? You think he’s gonna sit around and wait for me, some piece of shit junkie?”

Neilly walked around the counter, grabbed Hayes by the sides of his face, and squeezed. “Give him a reason to.” He let go and pointed his finger into his chest. “And Hayes? Be careful with that one,” he warned, gesturing toward Hayes’s bedroom. “I mean it. I’m not fucking trying to call 911 tonight, OK? My goddamn kids are here, and I gotta get them up early for the parade tomorrow. So just…be careful. Got it?”

“Yup,” Hayes said coldly, avoiding eye contact.

And with that, Neilly turned and headed back toward his bedroom, with Hayes doing the same.

Like you fuckin’ give a shit what happens to either of us.


Hayes entered his bedroom, greeted by the welcome sight of a shirtless TK sprawled across his bed, a buffet of drug paraphernalia displayed on his nightstand.

Hayes swallowed, remembering how he’d moaned his name while Ryan came in his ass on the shower floor the other night.

Probably best to just skip that part.

Ryan Baylor was still the hottest man Hayes had ever seen, but Travis Kadin was about as close to runner-up as anyone had ever been to anything.

Good God was he fine.

“There you are, baby,” he said, sitting up and pushing his dark hair back from his face. “How long you grounded for? You lose your phone privileges, too, or just your allowance?”

“Fuck him,” Hayes muttered, plopping down onto the bed next to his teammate.

“Nope. Get up.”

Hayes shot him a confused look.

“Clothes off. Your skin’s gonna get really warm. You’ll be more comfortable this way, trust me.”

Before he even realized what he was doing, he was down to his boxers. “What, uh…what are you…”

“First off,” he said, reaching for a bottle on the nightstand and shaking it in front of him. “Here’s your OC’s. I could only get you 60 of them, and baby? These are 15’s. You’ve been using 5’s up to this point. I need you to take it the fuck easy with these. Only pop one at a time, understood? Or you will OD.”

Hayes nodded as TK set those down, trading them for a small baggie filled with brown powder. He waved it in front of his face as Hayes sat down slowly on the edge of his bed. “You said you wanted to feel nothing, right?”

Hayes nodded, wide-eyed, watching as TK grabbed a lighter and a spoon from the nightstand. “Is that…”

“Yup. And I’ll be here with you the whole time, baby. OK? I’m gonna be right here.”

“Trav, I don’t…nah, I don’t think I can…”

TK reached a hand to the side of Hayes’s face, smoothing out one of his eyebrows with his thumb. “Look at your eyes. You’ve been cryin’ all night. Don’t you wanna stop for a little bit?”

Hayes nodded, shaking, as tears trailed down his cheeks. But this time, they weren’t tears of sadness.

Hayes was fucking terrified.

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