Page 17 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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As they walked to the elevator and waited, Hayes pulled out his phone to check it, realizing he’d still had it on silent from the night before. When he unlocked his screen, he saw he had 43 text notifications and 13 missed calls.


He scrolled through the messages, and 28 of them were from TK at various points throughout last night and early this morning, hence why his phone had been on silent. The last thing he needed was another fight with Ryan over his hot as fuck teammate.

TK’s messages were mostly gibberish, the last one having come through at 2:36 AM. The calls and the rest of the texts were from several of his teammates and had started around 7:30 AM, about two hours prior.

You seen TK?

TK with you? We can’t find him anywhere.

Is TK with you and Baylor?

TK didn’t show up for the flight, man. Please tell me he’s with you and Baylor.

If you hear from TK, can you please let me know? Missed his flight and we’re hoping he’s with you.

“Shit,” Hayes muttered, as they stepped on. “Rook, I don’t think I’m makin’ this flight home.”

“Why’s that?”

“TK missed the team flight. No one’s heard from him.”

But Ryan already knew that, since several of the Islanders had texted him, too. There was no way he was letting Hayes know that though.

“So?” Ryan replied coldly. “He’s a big boy. Probably got caught up with some chick.”

“Nah, he’s at the Santa Monica pier. At least his phone was early this morning.”

“And why do you know that?”

Hayes’s heart sank. “Because he shared his location with me before he stopped texting me.”

“Yeah, that's not weird or anything,” Ryan remarked, as they stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby. “Whatever, I’m sure he’ll turn up.”

Or he’s dead in a ditch somewhere and did us all a favor, Ryan thought, immediately hating himself for being so heinous.

He just really couldn’t stand that son of a bitch.

“Rook, he might be in trouble. I shouldn’t have had my phone on silent. Dammit! I…I gotta go look for him. Can you take me? We can always transfer our tickets to a different flight if we need to.”

“No, Hayes, we can’t. Because I have to get back for fucking practice today, remember?” Ryan snapped. “No, of course you don’t.”

“Then I guess I’ll see you later,” Hayes replied, pulling up the Uber app on his phone to arrange a ride.

“Seriously? You’re not his babysitter, Ty.”

“And you’re not mine.”

“No, I’m not. But I am your boyfriend and I’m getting real sick of this fucking shit!” Ryan yelled, turning a few heads as it echoed throughout the lobby. He lowered his voice, narrowing his eyes at Hayes. “He wants to be a junkie, fine. But I won’t keep sitting back while he turns the man I love into one, too. You’re falling the fuck apart, Tyler. You can’t even get out of bed without popping pills, you look like a bag of hell, and your game is absolute garbage. You played like shit last night. I was embarrassed for you, not to mention pissed that I flew all the way out here just to watch you get sat in the second fucking period.” He softened his tone when he saw the hurt that crept across Hayes’s face. “I’m just worried about you…”

“And right now, I’m worried about my friend.”

“Friend,” Ryan scoffed. “Right.”

“Fuck’s that supposed to mean?”

“Let’s just say I’m surprised it wasn’t his dick up your ass last night.”

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