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He snapped his fingers. “I have an idea for that. After we brush your teeth. And I eat my breakfast. Don’t want my eggs to get cold.”

He was terrible.

Half an hour later, he carried her out to the small kitchen area.

Surprise filled her as she noticed that he’d laid a blanket out along the counter. He’d also stacked the two pillows he’d taken from the bed, one on top of the other by the edge of the sink. There were two towels. One on the other side of the sink and one over the pillows.

He’d also put her shampoo and conditioner next to the sink.

“What are you going to do?” she asked as he sat her down on the blanket.

“Wash your hair. I just hope that you’re elevated enough that you won’t cough.”

“I-I think I’ll be all right.” She gaped at him in amazement. “You’re really going to wash my hair?”

“I am. Why, do you not trust me?” He frowned slightly.

“No. Of course I do. It’s just… it’s really sweet.”

He raised his eyebrows. “You don’t think I can be sweet?”

“I didn’t before. I’m beginning to see that I could’ve been wrong.”

“Come here. Lie back. If you are uncomfortable or start coughing, we can move you, all right?”

“Okay, Daddy.”

“Hold on to Buzzy.”

Once again, he surprised her as he carefully washed her hair. He shampooed it twice before massaging in the conditioner. Her eyes drifted closed and she very nearly fell asleep as he rubbed her scalp.

Ooh. That felt so good.

“You all right, baby?” he asked quietly as he turned off the water and dried her hair with the towel.

“Better than all right, Daddy.”

Sitting her up, he wrapped her hair in the towel before picking her up and cradling her against his chest.

“That was the best head massage I’ve ever had.”

He sighed. “It’s a curse, really, being this talented. From rock god to hairdresser royalty. I mean… where does it stop?”

She broke into giggles that ended in a coughing fit.

“Right. Time for bed.”

“No, Daddy. Please,” she begged. “I’m missing out on all of my holiday. Can I just sit up and watch TV or something?” Jolie leaned back to give him a pleading look.

“Two hours. Then it’s lunch and a nap.”

“Perfect, Daddy.”

Brand carried her to the sofa and set her down. “I’m going to dry your hair. I’ll go get the blow dryer and your hairbrush.”

“It will be all right if you just let it dry, Daddy.”

“No, I don’t want you sitting around with wet hair. It might make you sicker. And you have to get better before the Fourth of July so you can cheer me on.”

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