Page 31 of Keeping Secrets

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“What’s so funny?” He folds his arms over his chest, staring down at me.

“It’s only Sadie and me, you nut job.” I roll my eyes at him, but in truth, all my insides have turned into warm, chocolatey goo. Van is no longer holding back. He’s letting his possessiveness show. I love that it’s me that makes him that way.

“Dunc is around here somewhere.” He motions toward the house.

“Seriously?” He cannot think Dunc is going to be checking me out. His eyes never leave Sadie. There could be a damn supermodel standing in front of him, and she may as well be invisible because Dunc wouldn’t even spare her a glance.

“I’ve got to get to the team meeting.” Van pulls his shirt off over his head. Before I can react, he has it over my head and is yanking it down to cover my swimsuit. “Where is the sunscreen?” He starts searching around our lounge chairs. “You have fair skin,” he mutters.

“Van!” I grab a hold of the top of his jeans, yanking him toward me. “Give me a kiss and leave.”


“Sadie and I did sunscreen ten minutes ago. Now shut up and kiss me.” A sexy smile lights up his face. He’s going to be the death of me. Seeing how happy he gets from me asking for a kiss says it all about how he feels about me.

He drops his mouth down onto mine, kissing me until I’m breathless. He presses his forehead to mine. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

“I’ll be waiting.” He kisses the tip of my nose before he jogs back toward the house.

“And put a shirt on before you leave!” I shout after him.

“Will do, Red.” He gives me a mock salute before disappearing into the house.

“You two are so adorable.” Sadie does a little happy clap. “I had no idea Van had this side to him.” She lets out a happy sigh. “Love is in the air.”

“I think your love is headed this way.” I motion to Dunc. He gives me a chin nod, going straight for Sadie.

“Think you need to cool off.” She wraps her arms around his neck when he lifts her from the chair, holding her as he jumps into the pool. I watch them play around for a minute, but when they start making out, I leave them to have their moment, going back to Van’s room to change.

I take a quick shower before I fall back onto the bed. The smell of Van is all around me. I bite my lip. I think I’m in love. That’s what this has to be. I can’t explain all the things he makes me feel. There are no words for it. When he talked about marrying me and our future, he opened a door that I thought would forever stay closed. I keep everyone at arm's length but still know everything about them. A family of my own never crossed my mind, or at least I didn’t let it.

My phone vibrates on the nightstand. I roll over and grab it, seeing my mom’s name.

I’ve been in an accident. Can you grab my insurance card from the kitchen junk drawer and bring it to the hospital?

I sit up. I try to call her, but she doesn’t answer.

Are you okay?

We’ll talk about it when you get to the hospital.

On my way.

Van won’t be back for at least another twenty minutes. Not wanting to wait, I order a ride before I finish getting dressed and head out. Worry fills me.

I may not see eye to eye with my mom most days, but I don’t want anything to happen to her. It must be bad if she won’t tell me about it over the phone. A million different things run through my head. I let myself think the worst.

“Thanks,” I tell the driver when we make it to my apartment. I bolt out of the car and up the stairs, and fish for my keys in my bag. When I slide them in, I realize it’s not locked.

“Jesus, Mom.” I’m not home and she forgot to lock the door?

I dig through the junk drawer, not finding her freaking insurance card. It has to be somewhere else. I turn to go to check her bedroom, running into a body. Hands come down on my shoulders, locking me in place. Fear grips me because I know exactly who it is.

“Richard.” I fake a smile. “Mom’s in the hospital.” I try to step back, but he doesn’t release my shoulders. “I have to get her insurance card. Can you let go?” I push on his chest, but he doesn't budge.

“Your mom’s at work.” He smirks. My stomach drops.


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